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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
While out shopping today, l noticed pkts of differant kinds of no sugar biscuits made by Gullon. Mentioned fibre on the wrapper. Anyone tried any of these? Thanks
They may have no sugar but they probably have carbohydrates so you would need to check the label probably on the back of the packet for the total carbohydrate.
Just looked on Amazon a chocolate one has 8.5g carb per biscuit.
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And approx 12g for a McVities dark choc digestive. 10g for one without choc.

Choose your weapon as they say.

I just don't eat that many biscuits or eat low enough carb to worry - so if I fancy one I have the sort I know I like.

I daresay either one Morning Coffee or one Rich Tea Finger would both be even less - but both approx 0% fibre.

There are better ways of getting more fibre, if that's what you are trying to increase?
Those Gullon biscuits are horrible IMHO. If I want a biscuit I just have a normal one. I just don't eat that many biscuits either.
I would be wary . I checked out their shortbread biscuit, it’s contains a polyol as a sweetener , which a little to much of can make our loo our best friend.
Here is a little info
As far as I am aware any sweetener that ends in ol is a polyol .

Imo go for your usual biscuit but have less.
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When I was a kid and not diabetic my Mum brought some mints back from her shopping trip. They had an artificial sweetener in (can't remember which one). I was due to go on a coach trip to see a Pantomime with my Mum. I sat and crunched my way through a couple of packets of these mints. Mum went alone. Even more amusing must have been the sight of me trying to walk to the coach with clenched buttocks and having to give up and turn round.
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I have the gullon digestive biscuits 9 carbs.
They're not that good but it means one is enough.
I'd struggle to have just one regular biscuit so it works for me.
I'm the person who can't have just 2 square of chocolate so don't have any in the house. ..but I live alone so it's easier
Those Gullon biscuits are horrible IMHO. If I want a biscuit I just have a normal one. I just don't eat that many biscuits either.
I eat Gullon biscuits regular, did not know they were high in carbs, not sure what my daily intake of carbs should be
I eat Gullon biscuits regular, did not know they were high in carbs, not sure what my daily intake of carbs should be
As far as daily intake of carbs is concerned that is something only you can determine, as different people will need to restrict their intake depending on how the carbs affect them. If you are following a low carb regime then less than 130g per day is regarded as low carb but many people find they will need to go lower than that and it can also depend on what meds you are taking.
Obviously it is better to spread your intake between your meals rather than have 1 really high carb meal. But testing is crucial to see what you can tolerate and adjust if necessary.
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