Bionic pancreas operated by iPhone provides better control of type 1 diabetics’ glucose level

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
While University of California Davis researchers are still experimenting with growing human pancreas inchimeras, type 1 diabetics could use, in the meantime, a portable biotic bihormonal pancreas. Using the device with a modified iPhone correctly regulates blood sugar levels.

Using the portable biotic bihormonal pancreas removes the need for type 1 diabetics to monitor their glucose levels frequently in comparison to using insulin pumps, reports Westsidestory. In two test trials involving adults and teenager – who usually need two times the amount on insulin injections compared to adults – the teens needed to manually intervene only 0.8 times compared to 1.6 times if they were exclusively using insulin pumps.
Having had a Fitbit that was linked by Bluetooth to my phone, and in the year I had it at least 2-3 a week, it would not log my walk. I now have Garmin but I just sync it too my phone, but it occasionally has problems with updating the data! I also have a Dario blood glucose meter that is used by connecting to phone, it occasional also does not log the result!
I am not sure I would trust it to deliver Insulin!
And what happens when your phone runs out of power? iPhones are pretty notorious for being power hungry, after all...
Both those concerns always cross my mind when people start suggesting using non-specialist technology to deliver vital healthcare. 😱 All software contains 'undocumented features' i.e. bugs - there are some truly dreadful and inept programmers around, and even the really good ones can make mistakes and omissions. Something that is only designed to do one job is far more likely to have fewer bugs.
Call me old fashioned, but I thought a phone was for communicating with people:D

Though if they do come up with a reliable bionic pancreas, I'll be first in the queue🙂
If you carry this through to its rather (un)natural conclusion then you perhaps you could set it up so that if you order a pizza or Indian takeaway then the system dollops you with a dozen extra units of fast acting. This of course would not apply to McDonald's food since the biggest iPhone on the planet cannot make big enough adjustments for the shit and sugar that goes into Big Mac's 🙄
You are right about bugs both the fibit and Garmin seem to update the apps at least weekly and they always quote bug fixes in the reason!
Will Apple charge the developers 30% of the resale fee just for sticking their insulin through iTunes? The robbing b******s do this with all of the software that they push.
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