Binning Sensor Early?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone ever binned (sharps bin) their sensor early? My current sensor overreads by a fairly constant 25%. It has a few more days to run but I am fed up with it. My mood doesn't help as I am overtired because of phantom pain and p*ss*d off I cannot walk to the main thoroughfare for a Times and caffeine blast! :(
Ring abbot to get it replaced before binning it as you may need to send it back to them. You’ll need to provide comparison readings to fingerprick check.
Also there’s nothing sharp about the sensor so you wouldn’t put it in a sharps bin.
Sorry to read of your phantom pain, @MikeyBikey. I can imagine how a dodgy sensor will not be helping your mood.
Yes I have finished a sensor early but, as @Lucyr mentions, I always contact Abbott. If the sensor is faulty, no one should pay for it. Abbott seem to know this so usually replace the faulty sensors.
Occasionally, they send a prepaid envelope and biohazard bags to return the sensor so don't chuck it until you have spoken to them.
I hope you can get to your Times and coffee soon.
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