Binges and Guilt

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi everyone, I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes at 29 weeks. I have been managing to control with only diet so far but struggle with binge eating sometimes. I struggle with feeling guilty about this and of course feeling the physical effects of my sugars being high following this. I feel too scared to check my blood sugars following a binge as I know they’ll be high, so I’ve just missed out that check for the day. Can anyone relate?
Hi @Rowyc123 Did you have the binge-eating before your pregnancy? Itwould be a good idea to speak to your midwife for support. Don’t feel guilty or ashamed. The midwife will have come across far worse than this, so speak to them honestly and get the support you need.

Are you being induced? Do you have a date?
Hi thanks for your reply. Yes, I’ve always struggled with binge eating, and feel it has worsened since being diagnosed with GD due to the restrictive nature of it. I think they plan on offering induction at 39 weeks but don’t have a date yet
I wonder if you might be better off having some medication for the GD @Rowyc123 That would allow you to relax the diet a little and eat some foods which might be forbidden now. Medication wouldn’t mean you could eat huge amounts of unsuitable food but it might help reduce your urge to binge as I completely understand why the restricted GD is making you worse.

It’s not unusual for women with GD to need medication for the last few weeks of pregnancy anyway. In your case, it might help take some of the pressure off you.
You’re probably right… I think I’m just having a hard day. I’m not sure why I find it hard to phone up and tell the GD team. There’s some feelings of shame around it. Thank you so much
Mate! just NEVER ignore or discount the effects on your own body and/or brain of your hormones!! Every single one of us is unique in this so there's nob all to feel guilt or shame about, so you can jolly well stop thinking that there might be, pdq if not sooner please.

(Yes I am a great grandmother and 4 of our 7 grandkids (of 6 girls and one Tim) already have children of their own - so if I sound old I can only apologise.)
You’re probably right… I think I’m just having a hard day. I’m not sure why I find it hard to phone up and tell the GD team. There’s some feelings of shame around it. Thank you so much

Don’t be ashamed. You should be proud that you’ve acknowledged the problem and are going to seek help for it. The midwife won’t judge you. They’ll just want to help you and baby, and I’m sure they’ll understand and maybe even have dealt with similar problems before xx
Hi everyone, I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes at 29 weeks. I have been managing to control with only diet so far but struggle with binge eating sometimes. I struggle with feeling guilty about this and of course feeling the physical effects of my sugars being high following this. I feel too scared to check my blood sugars following a binge as I know they’ll be high, so I’ve just missed out that check for the day. Can anyone relate?
BInge eating could be hormone related. Not due to a restricted diet. Mentioning this to a doctor might help you control it.
How are you getting on now @Rowyc123 ?

Yes, I would speak with someone medical about your feelings. Don't beat yourself up about it, one day will not impact that much. And beating yourself up will only make you feel worst, for no reason.

Take care of yourself, mentally too.
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