Big suprise low Help!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Very normal day up until lunchtime.

Tested at lunchtime 13;15 and was 7.0

Had normal 6 units of Humalog to combat roughly 60grms of lunch carbs.

Had sandwich and mullerrice which always keeps good control.

Big Hypo feeling so emergency tested at 13;56 and was 2.9. Panic!

had 3 glucose tablets then tested

14;03 3.2

14;14 5.0.

The thing that worried me was that i was only 1 hour into the Humalog cycle. I was paranoid of the fast acting insulin so ate a banana as well.

15;20 2 hours after Humalog reading almost 14.......

I've never Hypo'd durung lunchtime eating and this has really freaked me out.

Obviously now i feel like cr*p because i'm well high.

How can this happen?? Is it bad luck etc??

p.s. my daily routine has been consistent all week, no big changes.

I now liken the feeling of Euphoria, when a Hypo clears and you feel normal again, to when my old hangovers used to pass!!

Thanks for reading

Sorry you are have had a horrid day. It is so helpful for us parents to know what a hypo feels like. My daughter aged 9, has not symptoms at all but one day she may !

Have you done any different sort of exercise within the preceding 48 hours? Just a thought, anything at all that is different to what you do?

Had you tested before the 7.0 reading at all, did you have a big drop? I'm just thinking you may have been dropping and the hypo would have happened whatever you did.

This diabetes lark is not very funny is it. It just keeps on surprising us but they are generally not good surprises !

I hope you feel better soon.
Hi, in the past year and a half I have had 3 or 4 stupid, unreasonable and unfathomable hypos. Two have been an hour after a lantus injection (a SLOW acting insulin!). The others have been completely unexpected when I have suddenly started dropping like a stone and no amount of treatment would seem to bring me up. It is very scary when you can't find an explanation for it. I've had hundreds of hypos, but the majority haven't really had much impact - I sense them, treat with a small amount of carbs and then I'm fine.

I guess it's just something that can happen every now and then - maybe something else in your body has gone wonky for a moment, perhaps your recalcitrant pancreas has coughed? I hope they are VERY rare, in fact I hope they are a thing of the past!

I'm sorry, I can't remember offhand how long you have been diagnosed - has anything like this happened to you before? Try not to worry about it - if it's anything like my experience it won't suddenly start happening all the time!
Sometimes things just happen - perhaps your needle hit a blood vessel, so Humalog was absorbed more quickly than when it goes into fat? Perhaps heating in your office had gone up, so insulin was absorbed more quickly than usual? Or perhaps your pancreas is having a last gasp at insulin production. But sometimes, there's no real explanation. Main thing is that you had food to hand to correct the problem. As a general rule, if you feel low and can't test easily / at all, then it's best to eat first and check later. But hope you don't have too many unexpected lows.
Thanks for the reassurances. Since Diagnosis in feb this year it's been a very testing time and as you well know the roller coster ride has many loops the loops!.

Because i'd already eaten my slower acting carbs (sandwich and mullerrice) do you think in hindsight i should have had the glucose tablets and keep faith that the levels would have gone up during the next hour and not had a fourth glucose tablet and a banana??

Thinking scientifically would the glucose tablets and the banana have used up the 6 units of humalog?? i was so paranoid that because the humalog caused a rapid hypo that i would lose control.

I remembered how ill i felt before diagnosis after reaching those highs of almost. Down to 11 now and feel soooooooooo much better.

Just like to say again as a new member, you don't realise how great this site is.

Thanks again.
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