Big day tomorrow

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well the big day finally here getting my pump tomorrow. Really excited and a little nervous but mostly excitement. Long may that continue. Expect there will be some frustrations but hey ho lets go. :D
CBK all the best for when you go "live"

happy pumping x
Hope all goes well CBK. 🙂

Good Luck CBK
Good luck .......... ready for your questions!! :D
Does it feel like your getting a new toy ! ( Car or M/bike) Good Luck !😎
Thats me attached and pumping saline :D lots to take in but looking forward now to going live. Thanks for all your well wishes much appreciated and no doubt have plenty questions Phil in the next few weeks. Just got to give him a name now ha ha ha :D
Oh and HOBIE definately a new toy. Probably a M/Bike bit more fun me thinks ha ha ha.
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