Big changes to insulin sensitivity

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A little over a week ago i took ill. Turns out its kidney stones, but basically for the best part of a week my blood sugars were through the roof though i ate very little. I had to take lots of insulin.
Things seem to have settled now, i am eating as normal and feel a lot better.
However, before my got ill I took 1 novorapid for 5g carbs. Now 1 novorapid seems to deal with 10g carbs, maybe more. I've not been that insulin sensitive for a while.
Anyone know whats going on?
You’ve not been eating much so your body’s stores of energy/glucose to put out are low maybe?
Sorry to hear you’ve been given the runaround with your diabetes recently :(

Hope you are feeling better after the kidney stones.

1:10 is a fairly common starting point for T1s, so it certainly doesn’t sound outrageous, but I can understand how unsettling it might feel for you after a long time of 1:5!

I’ve pretty much gone past trying to always find a logical-feeling reason for the nonsense my diabetes get up to. I’m just content to find whatever works for now 🙂
Sorry to hear you’ve been given the runaround with your diabetes recently :(

Hope you are feeling better after the kidney stones.

1:10 is a fairly common starting point for T1s, so it certainly doesn’t sound outrageous, but I can understand how unsettling it might feel for you after a long time of 1:5!

I’ve pretty much gone past trying to always find a logical-feeling reason for the nonsense my diabetes get up to. I’m just content to find whatever works for now 🙂
I'm happy to be more insulin sensitive. When i was off my food i decided to eat my favourite foods as a way of temption me to eat. How i missed bread!
I think i will go onto a moderate carb, lower fat diet cos, darn it, i like carbs. Perhaps this time i will work out how to do rice, pasta etc without peaks and hypos like i had at first
We are in same club mate, best not to dwell on things you can't change.
Well, whatever is the cause of my insulin sensitivity, i'm going to make the best of it and have a chip butty tonight. With carrots and brocolli to make it healthy lol
Hi @Tdm one of the things that had the biggest impact on my levels was the timing of my bolus before a meal. With some adjustments this enabled me to include foods that I had previously eliminated as I found them just too spikey or problematic. The timing of my prebolus varies during the day and took time to sort out, but it was worth it as it has a big impact.
Hi @Tdm one of the things that had the biggest impact on my levels was the timing of my bolus before a meal. With some adjustments this enabled me to include foods that I had previously eliminated as I found them just too spikey or problematic. The timing of my prebolus varies during the day and took time to sort out, but it was worth it as it has a big impact.
The thing is, i went low carb whilst i was still working everything out, esp with now gi high cab things, as i was having lows after eating as ghe carbs took too long to kick in . It was good to have the 'low carb' crutch as nothing can go too far wrong with low carb.
Now i have a toolkit, including prebolusing, split bolusing, excercise etc, and more of a feel for everything, i hope i can get good control with a wider range of foods and a higher carb level.
And i think going higher carb helps with insulin sensitivity too
Plus, i was rather missing pototos and bread! Hopefilly may get DAPHNE soon which may help me with pasta, rice etc
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