Big babies

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
This might seem like a silly question. But here goes. Both my sons are in their 40s now. When they were born they both weighted over 9lbs. I didn't expect them to be small, as their dad is over 6ft in height. Could the cause of me becoming diabetic 2 about 2 years ago be due to having large babies. I have never been on any medication. Have controlled myself with diet & exercise. Just had my yearly blood test results back. Pleased with of 44. Thanks
Large babies don’t cause diabetes - it’s the other way round potentially. So possibly you might have had an element of Gestational Diabetes or less good glucose control during pregnancy and people with that can go on to develop Type 2 later.

Of course, some babies are just larger than others and there’s no ‘bad’ reason.
My pregnancies were in the 1980s and both babies were over 9lb - the second one was very slightly smaller than the first as I developed pre-eclampsia and stopped eating so many carbs as I was threatened with being taken into hospital and fed even more than I was already reluctantly consuming. It was another 35 years until I was diagnosed with type 2, but I have never felt well eating carbs in 'normal' amounts.
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