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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I just checked my BG and got 12.7 done it st8 away after on another finger witch i got 12.4 is there somthing wrong with my machine?
All the different meters have a margin of error, that's a pretty acceptable difference so I don't think you have too much to worry about.
Matt and I talk on MSN and I've just done the same.

My ring finger was 5.5 and my middle finger was 7.4 which is almost a 2 point difference!
That is so annoying.
Your difference is not that big, these things are never 100% right.
You just have to trust how you feel first then the machine. When you can guess what level you are by how you feel then you only need the machine to check 🙂
That is so annoying.
Your difference is not that big, these things are never 100% right.
You just have to trust how you feel first then the machine. When you can guess what level you are by how you feel then you only need the machine to check 🙂

sorry but i have to respectfully disagree - sometimes i feel low, and actually i'll be totally fine (i.e. do several tests over say 30 mins to see if i am dropping), or i'll feel realy high, and again i'm stable. if i just guessed what i felt i run the risk of DKA or giving myself insulin when i don't need it. i agree you have to listen to your body, but there are going to be times when you have symptoms that don't match. thus, listen to yourself, and check too.
That is so annoying.
Your difference is not that big, these things are never 100% right.
You just have to trust how you feel first then the machine. When you can guess what level you are by how you feel then you only need the machine to check 🙂

i cant actually believe what i'm reading here

take it from someone who did this for years, relied more on her body than her meter and did DAMAGE to herself for doing so. This is not the right way to do things at all.

Yes we have to listen to our bodies but what if they are WRONG? If I feel high I'm not going to whack insulin in am I? That would be stupid. And not only that, guessing your BG on how you feel is really really stupid.

I did that for years, I guessed and didn't check and now I am damaged because of it.

I'm actually really angry now
sorry but i have to respectfully disagree - sometimes i feel low, and actually i'll be totally fine (i.e. do several tests over say 30 mins to see if i am dropping), or i'll feel realy high, and again i'm stable. if i just guessed what i felt i run the risk of DKA or giving myself insulin when i don't need it. i agree you have to listen to your body, but there are going to be times when you have symptoms that don't match. thus, listen to yourself, and check too.

what shiv said 🙂
Hi Matthew - yes meters can be out - they say 10% but there are stories that some are about 20%. Your readings were quite close - Laura's seem a bit more out.

Hope you have luck at the Drs later this week.

I am one of those who generally can't guess what my BMs are. Some people though are excellent at knowing there levels. When I was first diagnosed I heard tales of people who when with their DSN could guess their current BM correctly. I suspect they are the exception rather than the rule - but it does happen.
After I had been diagnosed for a few months my fingertips were very sore and I thought I might be able to reduce the number of tests I was doing by guessing, then testing to see how close I was. My levels were pretty stable so I more or less knew I was going to be in range pre-meal. However, most of my guesses were wrong, although not by a huge amount (usually 1-2 mmol/l, either way). I have however had occasions where I have felt very low and I'm not - had one today where I was convinced I was on the verge of passing out, tested myself and I was 7.4! Funnily enough, after that I felt fine!🙄

I would say that, if you are not able to test immediately or have very strong hypo symptoms it may be preferable to treat what might be a hypo then test as soon as possible afterwards - if it is a true hypo then at least you'll have treated it. I think we had a discussion a while back that this is the advice given to first-aiders if there is no access to testing equipment.

Regarding getting different readings from different fingers - could be due to a number of things, most likely that the finder with the higher reading has been in contact with something that artifically raises the number.
Sorry if i have made people angry.

I didn?t mean it to sound like guessing is a good idea. Thats not what i meant. and re-reading what i have put i get now how it sounds wrong. My point was these machine?s can be a little out and as long as you feel ok and your bloods are ok its all fine.
I would never stop testing, it is vital tool to staying healthy.
You should never blindly correct your insulin or take extra glucose to avoid hypos. Checking is the most important thing.
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