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BG testing and high INR


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Must seem like I'm a walking disaster area. Following several strokes/TIAs I was diagnosed with AF. This apparently can lead to clots which can travel to what's left of my brain so am on atenolol for BP, Warfarin as an anticoagulant, levothyroxine for underactive thyroid and statins .

Since being diagnosed with T2 I am monitoring BG 7 times daily. Don't mind this, but my finger tips are becoming more and more bruised and tender because of the high INR.(diet and 80mg gliclazide pre breakfast for the diabetes)

Anyone with similar probs? If so, any constructive help would be much appreciated.

It's great to be alive, well and happy but typing and other fiddling jobs are irritating.
Take a look at some other meters (such as the OneTouch). A few these days will allow you to use alternate testing sites such as your upper arms.
Thanks Alan. Am using One Touch Ultra 2 which has a gizmo for sampling hand or forearm.
It does seem to imply that these sites should only be used as a last resort and under advice.
Thanks again. Have to see the medics next week if I'm not snowbound - blizzard here at the moment - and will ask.
Last HbA1c was down to 13.9% hence the current 7 stabs a day.
Oh I love snow! Don't think we will get any here (Devon) not cold enough! Hope the snow goes before your trip to the docs next week!