BG rise after a skipped meal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ended up not having any lunch today which is unusual for me but just the way it worked out with what I was doing. In case I needed confirmation I have diabetes this was definitely it : with BG dropping to mid 4s which I had arrested with a glucose tablet and then I had all that was available where I was, crisps and a hot chocolate drink which I knew would raise my BG until I could rectify it and eat properly. However, I was quite surprised at just how much the rise I had, I guess that pretty much shows I don’t produce any insulin! :

Having the crisps and hot chocolate at about 2pm without any insulin, BG rose to 12, so I took some NR to bring it down, but it continued up to around 15 before turning down. By then I took more NR for my evening meal to get back within normal range.

I’m guessing the lack of food prompted the liver to dump some glucose and that coupled with the hot chocolate drink did the damage? It was a nice hot chocolate, but must have been loaded with sugar!
Having the crisps and hot chocolate at about 2pm without any insulin, BG rose to 12, so I took some NR to bring it down, but it continued up to around 15 before turning down. By then I took more NR for my evening meal to get back within normal range.

I’m guessing the lack of food prompted the liver to dump some glucose and that coupled with the hot chocolate drink did the damage? It was a nice hot chocolate, but must have been loaded with sugar!
Basically you overloaded on carbs. 15gms of quick acting carbs is all that is needed to treat an impending low 🙂

The reason it kept rising after you corrected with your NR is because the carbs had already had a head start on the NR so no way of catching up. 🙂

Diabetes is a very steep learning curb and the good thing is you worked out what to do and sorted the problem.
Basically you overloaded on carbs. 15gms of quick acting carbs is all that is needed to treat an impending low
You’re right, I just didn’t realise how many carbs there could be in a hot chocolate drink and surprised at how it spiked. Appreciate that there was no prebolus so understand the NR never had a chance to catch up!

I’m still learning even after 13 years on MDI, but to be honest it is only since starting Libre last August that I‘m really starting to appreciate how things work.
’m still learning even after 13 years on MDI, but to be honest it is only since starting Libre last August that I‘m really starting to appreciate how things work.
After 58 years on insulin I still learn something new on a regular bases 🙂 It's amazing what you can learn from the flash and or CGM's isn't it? An eye opener springs to mind. 🙂 Crisps and chocolate drink would also be quiet fatty so suspect that added to the long term spike as well.
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