Bg monitor

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all
I just want share my day with you its been a bit weird to say the least,well i woke up with my first numbers at 8.8 they have always been well over 9 before so was realy chuffed with this i had breakfast 2 wbix minus a little i gave to the dog to take her pil with she has no teeth,but thats another story.
Iwent in to town and to the market,tested when i got in 7.6 that was fine so had lunch ham sandwhich and muller lite yogurt then whent to town again to do grocery shopping after about an hour was'nt feeling to bad just feeling a bit spaced out confused sort of thing by the time i got in legs felt like they were going to fold on me ,here comes the interesting bit,i tested 4.3 monitor started bleeping and saying i was hypo monitors never done this before even when i have been under 4, my warning sighns normaly start in the 5s and thats just usualy shaking and hunger,i did no different today then i normaly would basicly i guess im asking ,is it me or is it my monitor.
Sorry for blabbering just got a bit carried away.
Hi carol, re the shakes, you're probably getting that because your body is so used to running high. It thinks its hypo, even though its not really,

Well done on those results though!
Hi Carol I had something like that on Saturday. We had already been for one walk in the afternoon, after tea OH then suggested another walk so we walked for at least an hour varying our pace (he was actually trying to get me to run lol 🙄). When we got to the bottom of the hill to come home I just looked at it and thought I am not going to get up there! Anyway I did and my legs were shaking like mad, and I felt rubbish. tested at 5.1 my lowest ever reading!
After having nice low numbers yesterday, sorry to say this mornings was 11.2😱 so feeling totaly fed up again.
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