BG Meters

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm wondering if people could recommend a BG meter for testing. I know there's lots out there,and I've been looking at the new Accu-Check Mobile. I'm sure its all down to personal preferences, and I know that any meter is probably better than no meter! Does anyone have suggestions for a meter for someone knew to monitoring, cost isn't really important, but usefulness is. I'm type 2, and although my nursr says she doesn't have a problem with meters, she hasn't recommeneded one, and certainly hasn't offered one.
I use Accuchek Aviva and Nano meters, but I know a lot of people really like the Contour USB (as do I!). It's very attractive and you can just plug it into your PC to upload and get all sorts of trend graphs and statistics etc.

I think it's about ?25
graham has glucomen lx from menarini and is only ?14 i am very happy with it very good customer service
I also use Accuchek Aviva and a Nano meter as a spare and use the Accuchek 360 software. I find them easy to use and to upload to the software. I'm sure others will come along and you will get a view of the other meters in use.I also like the look of the Contour USB and the way it plugs strait in the usb port.
I also use Accuchek Aviva and a Nano meter as a spare and use the Accuchek 360 software. I find them easy to use and to upload to the software. I'm sure others will come along and you will get a view of the other meters in use.I also like the look of the Contour USB and the way it plugs strait in the usb port.

Yes, although good the Accuchek 360 software is a bit of a pain. You have to mess about getting the infrared reader to communicate with it and I can only run it on my old XP machine - takes about 10 mins to get it up and running! I'm almost tempted to get a Contour USB purely to save that hassle! That's assuming of course that it will work with Windows 7, unlike the accuchek.
The Accu-chek Nano is a great little meter and does everything that I need, I've never used any other meters apart from Accu-chek, but could be tempted to change to the Contour USB, but only when they start giving them away will I own one, I did try and get one for free when I rang their helpline, but they wouldn't play ball and the way I look at it is that they make vast profits from the test strip and there costs are soon recuperated, so there is no reason to charge for any meter. Only once have I bought a bg meter in 28 years of being diabetic, that was my first ever meter and paid over ?100, now I just get them from my DSN who gets them free from the Accu-chek Reps. Toby.
Accu - chek nano as part of pump🙂
I've used verious meters over the years, at the moment I using the nano as it goes with my insulin pump..

I did have the accu-chek compact plus which the mobile is based on, hated the flipping think as far too bulky to carry around and very clunky when motor turns..

The accu-chek software is pants indeed, as is the infer red as northerner says, complete pain getting it sorted and to read..

The best meter I've used, and so tempted to bring it back into service, is my lifescan ultra smart.. This has an eletronic log book, where you can load details of your medication/insulin you take, allows you to make comments concerning, if ill, feeling high, on holiday etc with any BG reading you've taken, also you can entere you carb's amount you've eaten. Aslo the amount of insulin, alongside other medication you take.. It also stores health records such as HbA1c, cholesterol and blood presure results..

All data can be uploaded to the computer, and it's software is one of the best I've used so far..
Yes, although good the Accuchek 360 software is a bit of a pain. You have to mess about getting the infrared reader to communicate with it and I can only run it on my old XP machine - takes about 10 mins to get it up and running! I'm almost tempted to get a Contour USB purely to save that hassle! That's assuming of course that it will work with Windows 7, unlike the accuchek.

Seems strange I put the meter right in front about inch inch and half of the infrared reader and away goes up loading. It took a moment input the info when first installed but after that fine.
My contour usb fell into a glass of full fat irn bru last friday :( Stupid thing aint working now!! I have another still in box but im still kind of grieving for it hehehe 😉

all my hard earned data down the plughole.... lol
I got given a new meter last week when I went to see the nurse last week it's the Freestyle lite ... I've got to admit it's really good!! Before that one i had the xceed meter ... I wasn't so keen on that as it was bulky to carry about! XxXxX
thanks for those answers - seems like its a case of finding the one that suits you, so I'll have a look. Just another question, reading the book on Type 2's that was recommended on this board, it says that Type 2's don't pay VAT if they buy a BG meter - is this still the case, and has anyone actually claimed this whilst buying a meter from, say, Boots?
Buying the meter isn't usually very expensive, some companies give them away free, but buying test strips can be a major consideration, unless you can get them prescribed, which depends on PCT policy and being able to demonstrate that you make use of the results.
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