BG lower again

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well here we go again good breakfast oats full fat greek yogurt and punnet of raspberries,. I had a treat of two sugar free cookies and a low sugar hot chocolate made of full fat milk, 2 hrs later BG 3.8! I despair! Just had lunch made it starchy banana sourdough seeded bread and peanut butter. Hope that will hold.Dietician said 3.9 and under is a hypo, I feel fine...just ready for lunch thats all...I wonder sometimes if we are all made differently. like I said I used to charge round busy hospital wards on a BM of 2! After breakfast...never made sense to me either! But makes me laugh I am now considered T2 diabetic. I think they need to check I did not get someone elses test results!
Difficult when you are away from home but could you e-mail your diabetic nurse or GP about reducing the medication, maybe halve the gliclazide which I think you mentioned you were taking or up your carbs a bit meanwhile.
Is there access to medical advice where you are either through your travel insurance or a local doctor.
I don't take Glic, but given how it works (Prods the pancreas to produce more insulin) then maybe you need to add more carbs?
If you are taking glucose-lowering meds it certainly sounds like your doses need adjustment @Brambleberry

3.9 is an alert level for hypoglycaemia, and at that level it’s likely that your body would be firing warning signs (and if not your warning signs may need a little tlc!).

Glic is certainly more than able to induce hypoglycaemia, and the more time you spend below 4.0, the less you are likely to feel those ’borderline’ levels :(
Thanks everyone makes sense re glicozide. I am going to make sure I have carbs at lunch time today see what happens. I actually on the back of yestedays silent hypo went out and bought Aussie chocolate. My favourite a small bar of Cherry RIpe, and a big bar of New Zealands Whittakers Peanut butter bar ( it is out of this world and so rich you can only eat a couple of squares).I realised you see other than 85% chocolate we had nothing in the house sweet enough to turn a hypo around! My son and family have gone all sugar free in light of my T2, their dads ( My ex- who did not bother to tell his kids he had had it for years!) as if it did not matter....and my sons wifes dad got it too so they took swift action.
I had appt with dietician day before I headed off who felt I might be too strict with myself...though at this point I was doing ok in the main! Maybe she was right, if having beans on toast she said have 2 slices not 1 !
Just scare the weight won't come off. Lost 18 lb since 19th Oct. Including a pound here in Oz.
I am still waiting for my Aussie medicare card to come thru. I would rather use that if I had to than use my unsurance coz you only have to fork out up front that way anyhow.Australia has reciperocal medicare but I applied in October and am still waiting. Son may have to take me down to the office to hurry them up.Just in case...
You might be better to concentrate on keeping your blood glucose level steady and not in hypo zone than being too concerned about losing weight whilst away for home.
Yes I am mindful of balancing the two things. I'll probably run out of test strips before I get home .I don;t think
Australia has Sure test strips. I have looked online so might have to buy an Aussie monitor if they don't but better safe than sorry. I think for now I will add carbs to all meals see how it goes.
@Brambleberry i hope you are not planning to use your yummy sounding chocolate as a hypo treatment. The reason for this is that the fat in chocolate slows down the carb absorption and hypo recovery.
To treat a hypo, you need fast acting carbs such as jelly babies or fruit juice.
Local Xmas tradition:

Really good, stupidly expensive chocolates 🙂
I am related to the Haigs! My step dads their cousin its really sweet chocolate though!
Well I had a repeat today. I had my overnight oats, and mid morning a snack of a cherry ripe! Then had bacon eggs avocado and tomato and decaf with milk and 2 hrs later BG 3.6 and this time I did not feel right...head ache red face bit dizzy balance a little off hanging clothes out...prompted me to take BG. Ate half a bar of chocolate 15 mins alter its 4.4 so now having a sandwich...tomorrow I am omitting my glicozide and will trial that...I am putting my nurses hat on! I was fine on the long haul flight without the glicozide so lets see....GP planned to take me off them eventually anyway. If thats no good the tablets are scored and I can take half and check my BMs regularly.
@Brambleberry i hope you are not planning to use your yummy sounding chocolate as a hypo treatment. The reason for this is that the fat in chocolate slows down the carb absorption and hypo recovery.
To treat a hypo, you need fast acting carbs such as jelly babies or fruit juice.
I read about jelly babies and sugary pop so I plan to get some in. But the chocolate worked ok today within 15 mints it was 4.4 and I had a jam sandwich after and it went to 6.2 so all good but yes I plan to get some jelly babies or whatever they have on Oz!
I read about jelly babies and sugary pop so I plan to get some in. But the chocolate worked ok today within 15 mints it was 4.4 and I had a jam sandwich after and it went to 6.2 so all good but yes I plan to get some jelly babies or whatever they have on Oz!
A small carton of apple or pineapple juice or a 150ml can full sugar coke is what people often use.
Personally I find jelly babies or dextrose tablets best as I can have 1, 2 or 3 depending upon my reading and the circumstances, whereas with juice I would struggle to know how much I had drank and the rest of the carton would get wasted. I am not sure I could manage to drink fizzy drinks when hypo as the fizz hits the back of my throat and hurts and I have to sip them slowly and again, a waste if I don't need a full can. Also, JBs or Dextrose are more readily portable.
That is just my experience but may be useful to @Brambleberry .... I think it is a wise decision to reduce or stop the Glic for now. You are monitoring your levels so you can start taking them again if your levels rise. I wonder if you are perhaps a little more active with being out and about with relatives out there and that is why the Glic is causing you to hypo. Exercise/activity has a significant affect on my levels, particularly the following day.
whereas with juice I would struggle to know how much I had drank and the rest of the carton would get wasted.
A 200ml carton of orange juice is 17g carbs (mostly sugar), so if you're using the 15/15 rule that fits pretty well. Obviously for people eating low carb who usually want a bit less it's not so good.
Yes playing havoc with my low carb, trying to lose weight at same time, then having to take in a load of carbs because of a ridiculously low BG! Son ordered Thai food last night very carby and sweet and I decided it might be safer not to take my 3rd metformin just in case I upset my already precarious BG balance! When I tested 2 hrs after eating BG was 10! Highest its been in two months! But I cared not, this morning as I woke it was 5.2. So today no glicozide and lets see we we go with metformin three times a day. Is orange juice mostly fructose though? I know apples are starchy and so have glucose as well....
Yes playing havoc with my low carb, trying to lose weight at same time, then having to take in a load of carbs because of a ridiculously low BG! Son ordered Thai food last night very carby and sweet and I decided it might be safer not to take my 3rd metformin just in case I upset my already precarious BG balance! When I tested 2 hrs after eating BG was 10! Highest its been in two months! But I cared not, this morning as I woke it was 5.2. So today no glicozide and lets see we we go with metformin three times a day. Is orange juice mostly fructose though? I know apples are starchy and so have glucose as well....
I hope you enjoyed your Thai meal. Metformin won't be affecting the food you eat as it works in the background rather than directly on the food. Orange juice is still carbs but fructose gets metabolised more quickly so you would likely see an increase in blood glucose before the same amount of carbs if it were something starchy.
Lets hope your experiment works.
Have a look at this link about fruit juices.
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Lol reading BBC article and the chap they are quoting is the same one I have read books from and watched his seminars Dr Lustig. brilliant man explains the demons of fructose on its own minus fibre as in juices.
I hope you enjoyed your Thai meal. Metformin won't be affecting the food you eat as it works in the background rather than directly on the food. Orange juice is still carbs but fructose gets metabolised more quickly so you would likely see an increase in blood glucose before the same amount of carbs if it were something starchy.
Lets hope your experiment works.
Have a look at this link about fruit juices.
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