BG Gone Up

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Since cutting carbs and calories 10 weeks ago, my BG has been in good control.. it’s between about 4.8 and 6.3 generally and after food about 8. I don’t take any meds. Yesterday I couldn’t get my BG down from over 8 (at the lowest) from the minute I got up until I went to bed. I had 66 carbs throughout the day with gaps between meals, the same as I’ve done most days for 10 weeks. Today is the same, over 8 and sometimes over 9 but I’ve had nothing since breakfast. I can’t think why this has happened. I’m just hoping I don’t have to start taking Metformin.
When you say you couldn't get your levels down from over 8, what was the highest they went to? Just wondering if we are talking mid teens or still in single figures but a bit higher than usual?

Increased BG levels could be a sign that you are coming down with something as your liver releases extra glucose to fight infection. When I got Covid last November, my levels were really high for a couple of days before the symptoms appeared and I was having to inject silly amounts of insulin to try to keep them in check.

Alternatively, you might have failing insulin production. Your profile doesn't show which Type of diabetes you have but it could be that your remaining beta cells are dying off for some reason and no longer capable of keeping your levels in range even with a restricted diet.
When you say you couldn't get your levels down from over 8, what was the highest they went to? Just wondering if we are talking mid teens or still in single figures but a bit higher than usual?

Increased BG levels could be a sign that you are coming down with something as your liver releases extra glucose to fight infection. When I got Covid last November, my levels were really high for a couple of days before the symptoms appeared and I was having to inject silly amounts of insulin to try to keep them in check.

Alternatively, you might have failing insulin production. Your profile doesn't show which Type of diabetes you have but it could be that your remaining beta cells are dying off for some reason and no longer capable of keeping your levels in range even with a restricted diet.
I have type 2. The highest my BG went was 9.4 but it wouldn’t come down out of the 8’s no matter what and as mentioned it’s usually sitting around 5.7 three hours after eating. I did think I might be coming down with something but I don’t feel ill yet. Im a bit worried I might need medication but my hba1c was 54 and it’s now about 48 so it would be disappointing
Hope you aren't coming down with something but it would be an obvious explanation, so perhaps more comforting in the long run to know that if it is an illness(hopefully a mild one) as mine was, you may well revert to normal levels afterwards.
It is only a couple of days though so try not to fret about it.

It is also worth noting that your liver will chuck out larger amounts of glucose from it's stores if you don't eat than if you do, so not eating may be making things worse because your metabolism slows down and therefore doesn't use as much glucose to conserve energy when you don't eat and the liver throws out extra. Eating something usually stops the liver from dumping glucose into the blood stream.
I do eat, I love my food. I have 3 meals a day and snacks but I’m careful what the meals are. I’ll wait and see if I develop anything. I guess I could! Thanks for the replies.
One day of high readings don't really mean much and certainly don't point on needing to go onto medication.
If you are concerned then perhaps reconsider having snacks or be really careful what snacks you have.
You could be dehydrated as that can increase blood glucose readings.
Snacks are low carb but I get what you are saying. I didn’t have any yesterday as trying to lower BG. Had70 days almost identical so it is very different to have 2 days like this but I’ll keep an eye on it.
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