BG going up When I've not eaten anything

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A few times recently when I've tested my bg it's at say 5.3 then I've taken it maybe half an hour later and it's gone up to 6.7 when I haven't eaten anything. This is when I have eaten a meal several hours earlier and I have been checking to see where I peak and to make sure it is starting to come down. Surely once it starts to come down it shouldn't go back up until I eat or drink something.:confused:
Hi Sebstar, there are various reasons why your BG might rise even though you haven't eaten - could be stress, excitement etc. or simply your liver releasing extra glucose into your bloodstream. Mine does this in the morning if there is a long time between breakfast and lunch (like from 7 am to 1:30 pm). If I measure after 5 hours it might be 5.5, but then after 6.5 hours it might be 6.8. This tends to happen in the mornings for me as my insulin resistance seems to be greater at that time.
I tend to spike when I am stressed or feeling irritable about something. It is different for all of us. Also tends to go up more on innactive days too.
Hi Sebstar

This could be for all sorts of reasons. One thing though, don't forget the people without diabetes (of any type) also go up and down but just not to the degree of someone with diabetes. I may well be 4.3 when waking but 3 hours later (after no breakfast) I may be 5.6.

It isn't just food unfortunatley that affects levels. Mood, happy or sad, excited ie adrenaline, weather (too cold or too hot). What did you eat? If pasta then you could potentially get two spikes, once when just eaten and one about 4 or 5 hours later, this is the same with lots of foods especially ones with fat on.

However the numbers you are wondering about are all damn near perfect whatever order they are in.
Thanks for your replies I can also rely on the people on here to give helpful advice.🙂
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