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BG changes after stopping contraceptive pill


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello! Not a pregnancy question but I thought this was the most appropriate forum 🙂

I’ve been type1 for two years, and got diagnosed around the same time my husband and I were thinking about having a family. After my diagnosis we have put this off, but I’ve been on folic acid for a while now and came off the contraceptive pill a week ago.

After 2-3 days of being off the pill (progesterone only pill) my levels are completely different - as in, they’re amazing?!? I haven’t changed any other variable, but it’s like I’m suddenly way more sensitive to insulin and my sugars are sitting flat around 5/6 all the time. I usually pop out of the 4-10 range a couple of times a day, but I’ve only come out of range three times in the last week.

Has anyone else found this when coming off contraception? Perhaps it’s a coincidence and I’m having a lucky week but that’s never happened before!!
Not quite the same but similar in that I use HRT patches and they are supposed to be applied at a rate of 2 patches a week spaced out, so 4 days and 3 days but because it isn't a regular daily routine I forget and if I go over about 10 days when I haven't used a patch, my levels start to misbehave and I have a bit of a battle and then a day or so with a new patch and things become easier again. Hormones definitely impact our insulin sensitivity and this is why some women have different basal profiles for different parts of their monthly cycle if they have an insulin pump and also of course why pregnant women experience spells of real insulin sensitivity and other spells of huge insulin resistance.
Enjoy it whilst things are being easier but don't expect it to last for long although these good spells will likely come in cycles.
Yes, I found the pill pushed my blood sugars higher @StephanieMLW Stopping it, meant they no longer had that lean too high. It sounds completely normal 🙂 Just watch out for lows and err on the side of caution, especially if you’re exercising or out and about. Take extra glucose and snacks with you until you’ve got used to your new normal.
Thank you both, really interesting to hear. T1 really is a never ending journey of discovery!

I’m tracking these ‘good days’ in an app for cycles so I’ll be able to see if it’s cyclical or the new norm. Even if it’s cyclical though, I’ll take a week like this every month if I can!

Yes I have noticed I’m skimming the high 3s more regularly - I’m carrying fruit pastilles round the house with me and will keep an eye on it. Thinking I might do some basal testing in a couple of weeks if it persists.
I had to reduce my basal @StephanieMLW I can’t remember exactly how much but it was a reasonable amount. I think I also adjusted some of my meal time ratios too.
I had to think back about this - then remembered that me taking the pill came several years before my T1 diagnosis - just don't tell my mom!
My natural cycle hugely impacts my levels, before I am due on I am very insulin sensitive. My usual background is insulin 27 units a day, period days is 21 units.

Ovulation I can be a little higher, and I haven't yet worked these out so I can be proactive rather than reactive. I have only been off the pill since May, after my sterilisation in April. I was told minimum of 6 months for my cycle to fit into it's new normal, so I am thinking it is only now I am getting to see the true trends and pattern. My cycles are now 29 days, and only 3 days of very light period.

So yes hormones have a huge impact for me, one of the reasons I got the pump, and my diabetes team pushed for me getting the operation so I could come off contraceptives as we are a complete family.

You will get here, just monitor and tweak and you will get the hang of it and then pregnancy will change it all again