Better late than never!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know i should have posted this on the election thread but i wanted to make sure it was read and not lost, as it is a good reply and took me ages to write out!!!!! :D

Thumbs up for the lib dems! :D

Got a letter today from Chris Huhne, who is a lib dem candidate and also the Eastleigh MP where i live.

Dear miss smith,

Thank you for your email regarding the Diabetes Manifesto. i will respond in full shortly.
with best wishes, Yours sincerely, Chris huhne, with a signature.

Will let you know when i get the full letter. if i dont get another letter i will track him down as i am friends with him on facebook! lol 😛

Got it today - better late than never i suppose!!

its really long but here goes!! I must point out any spelling errors are my doing, not his 😛

Dear Miss Smith,

Thank you for writing to me about Diabetes UK General Election manifesto. I fully recognise that diabetes is one of the biggest public health concerns in the UK, affecting as many as 3 million people in the UK. i am happy to support the manifesto pledges.

Liberal Democrats believe that the key to effective diabetes treatment is early intervention and prevention. As many as half diabetes cases are linked to obesity, and we would legislate to ensure food is properly labeled to provide consumers with the ability to make informal decisions about their diet. We support ectensive screening, especially for high risk groups.

We are concerned about services available to all diabetes sufferers, but we have particular awareness of the challenges young people face with diabetes. young people neeed extensive support and advice on how to manage their conditions, and this should be provided in both the health care setting and within schools. specialist nurses are a vital part of the modern healthcare system and we are worried that they are becoming more and more overworked due to lack of funding.

We believe that all patients must be given the oppurtunity to manage their conditions independantly. for young people, the transition from paediatric to adult health care services muct be a matter of choice for the patient, taking into account their preferences for treatment and their ability to manage the condition.

Liberal Democrats are in favour of more co-operation between health care service proffessionals, charities, politicians, and patients groups. we beleive that the best way to ensure that our health service provision is of the highest standard is to ensure that the health policy is debated properly and not implemented centrally without discussion. Liberal Democrats are commited to reforming the health system in favour of local health boards that are elected by - and accountable to the local health community that uses the health service.

health care professionals must be trained to deal with conditions like diabetes, which are prevalent and have very complex needs. diabetes sufferers should not face difficulty in accessing health services due to postcode lotteries or lack of training in local health providers. hospitals and ambulance staff should similarly be trained in how to deal with diabetes.

diabetes is a condition that requires a great deal of personal care management by the patient. in order to make sure the patient can manage their condition on an individual basis, support structures must be easy for patients to access, and information should be made readily available.

Despite being recommended as neccesary for diabetes patients, the supply of insulin pumps available is simply nowhere near the demand of diabetes sufferers. technological advances to help patients better manage their conditions and provide better quality of healthcare, should always be considered for implementation.

Similarly, medical research in the UK is of very high standard, including research on diabetes treatments. funding for medical research must be secured in the long-term to ensure that this expertise is not lost.

Older people with diabetes must be given readily available access to care. this is particularly important for diabetes patients who live in care homes, where staff may not have the skills or training to properly manage diabetes sufferers. frameworks should be put in place to make sure that diabetes surfferers in care homes are not neglected, and there should be visits from diabetes specialists to ensure appropriate care is being provided.

Finally, Liberal Democrats believe that one of the most important aims for the modern health service is to ensure patients are able to manage their conditions independently. this includes providing proper support and information, but also requires society at large to be aware of conditions like diabetes. in terms of work, employers must be aware of the needs of diabetes sufferers, and should be encouraged not to discriminate against employees on the grounds of health care conditions such as diabetes.

Thank you once again for contacting me about this important issue.

With best wishes,

yours sincerely,

Chris Huhne.
What an excellent and detailed response 🙂 I didn't get a response from my Lib Dem candidate. The best I got was from the Green candidate, and I got a rather woolly letter from the Labour candidate that made me more, rather than less, worried, as it talked about 'personal health budgets' which probably means more means-testing.

Well done Chris Huhne! 🙂
:D yea i thought it was really good, and not one of those what i call 'robot' letters they send out to everyone! He even talked about the lack of pumps, which we need and also touched on employment discrimination.

Deffo a thumbs up for the lib dems! (thought more the candidate than the party)
:D yea i thought it was really good, and not one of those what i call 'robot' letters they send out to everyone! He even talked about the lack of pumps, which we need and also touched on employment discrimination.

Deffo a thumbs up for the lib dems! (thought more the candidate than the party)

You must be just up the road from me if Chris Huhne os your candidate - it looks like he has got a very narrow majority to defend as it is a Conservative target seat.
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