Beta Cell Stress Could Trigger the Development of Type 1 Diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In type 1 diabetes (T1D), pancreatic beta cells die from a misguided autoimmune attack, but how and why that happens is still unclear. Now, JDRF-funded scientists from the Indiana University School of Medicine have found that a specific type of cellular stress takes place in pancreatic beta cells before the onset of T1D, and that this stress response in the beta cell may in fact help ignite the autoimmune attack. These findings shed an entirely new light into the mystery behind how changes in the beta cell may play a role in the earliest stages of T1D, and adds a new perspective to our understanding how T1D progresses, and how to prevent and treat the disease.
So where's the bit about what causes the ER stress? - cos it's that they need to stop happening, surely? LOL Or is it they now have the egg, but haven't yet discovered from whence it came?

:confused: :D
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