Best time to apply any new sensor

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
What is the best time of day to apply a new sensor am or pm?

Also does the 10 days or 14 days start from when the warm up has finished or from when the sensor is applied?
I find the best time is when I am ready.
Usually, after a shower so I know my arm (or wherever you chose to put your sensor) is clean.
I try to avoid putting it on just before bed so it has done time to "bed in" during the day.
As I calibrate my sensors, I also think about applying them when my levels are stable so not just after eating or exercise.
If you can't calibrate them then that is not relevant.
Apart from all that - when I am clean, not just before bed and, if relevant, when levels are stable - I don't believe it matters.
I find the end time of the sensor can be a bit inaccurate, and my last two have definitely ended 14 days from when I first scanned and started the sensor, not from the end of the one hour warm up. I got caught out starting mine when I woke up one morning, because two weeks later, it had already ended an hour before I woke up.
Not too late, and not too early is my general approach too. 🙂
I apply it after a shower and before bed but don't start it until the next day, whenever the old one expires. For me a night in bed straight after application gives it plenty of time for the adhesive to really bond with my skin before it is exposed to any hazards working outside the next day.
What is the best time of day to apply a new sensor am or pm?
It's really a personal thing, I think. I find they stick fine whenever I do it, but I can imagine doing it in the evening might be better (the glue can dry overnight while you're presumably not moving much), or doing it in the morning (if you do move around a lot at night, having the sensor under clothing for a day might allow the thing to stick better).
Also does the 10 days or 14 days start from when the warm up has finished or from when the sensor is applied?
I think it's from when it's activated. Though it might be from when the warm up has finished (there's only an hour's difference after all). Applying the sensor won't do anything in that respect.
I apply it after a shower and before bed but don't start it until the next day, whenever the old one expires. For me a night in bed straight after application gives it plenty of time for the adhesive to really bond with my skin before it is exposed to any hazards working outside the next day.
The overnight bedding in is good for Libre but not so good when you have a separate reusable transmitter.
I am not comfortable wearing a sensor with a gap for a transmitter as the ”transmitter clip” is quite spikey without the transmitter.
Change mine whenever it needs changed, usually it's during day.

I apply mine then scan & wait 60mins, phone alarms when it's ready to use, so don't do bedding in procedure that some do. Find libre 2 sensosr are very accurate from start to finish, not really had any issues so far.
My daughter usually applies them at bed time, which i wouldn’t say is the best time as quite often once the warm-up is finished they read low for half the night. Whereas on the odd occasion she puts them on in the day they are accurate straight away. They usually settle within a few hours though. If you put it on after a shower you have to make sure to get your skin absolutely dry so that it sticks properly. We have Dexcom G6 (because that’s the one which connects with her pump) and so don’t really have the option to put the sensor on early to bed it in, because you have to swap the transmitter part from the old sensor to the new one. Although when we had Libre 1 we didn’t put it on early either and found most of them to be accurate straight away and a few that read low for the first night but then settled by the morning.
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