Best time to administer Toujeo long acting insulin

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I would appreciate some thoughts on best time to administer my insulin. I currently inject before going to bed but my blood sugars are always higher in the morning than other times of the day.
Any advice greatly received
Toujeo has a very flat profile for longer than 24 hours so it should not make any difference what time you take it.
The high morning levels are most likely due to Dawn Phenomenon (when our liver helpfully dumps glucose to give us energy to start the day).

This is a challenge many of us experience and is a limitation of slow acting insulin - it assumes our basal needs are the same for 24 hours.
How to manage it depends somewhat on when your levels rise. Some of us experience a rise when we get up (this is sometimes called Foot On The Floor). This can be minimised by taking a bolus when we get up (trial and error can help us work out how much). Eating something small can also minimise this as our liver will get the message not to dump glucose if we are getting it elsewhere.
It is harder to manage if the rise is happening in the early morning when you are asleep and your body is preparing to start the day.
If you have a CGM (e.g. Libre) you should be able to see when the rise starts.
Thank you. I have been reading up on Dawn phenomenon. Some articles say to take insulin in morning .
Thank you. I have been reading up on Dawn phenomenon. Some articles say to take insulin in morning .
What insulin are they suggesting you take in the morning? Fast acting or slow acting?
Personally, I always preferred to take my basal at night - it was easier to take it at the same time every day without have to worry about oversleeping or having a lie in (or getting up early if I need to travel).
I did not take Tujeo - I took Lantus which did not last a full 24 hours. By taking it in the evening, I was able to account for this gap with fast acting. If the basal runs out in the morning, I would not be awake to deal with it.
Tujeo lasts longer so should be better.
And we are all different - not just diabetes wise but also lifestyle. So we need to take the approach which works best for ourselves in a way we live with diabetes rather than letting it dictate our life.
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