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Best strategy for a 'big night out'?


Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, it's a friend's 40th birthday in a few days, so that means a 'big night out'. Whilst I've eaten out since diagnosis, this is likely to be a much more protracted affair, and something that I've shied away from until now - but I don't want to miss out on this.

I'll probably be leaving home around 5:30, a train journey and then a few drinks, and possibly a couple of sausages, until heading for the restaurant at around 8 pm. It's a Chinese 'all you can eat' type event, with endless starters and a main, plus a few bottles of Tsingtao. The meal will probably last until around 10-10:30, then a couple more drinks and train journey home. I probably won't drink that much, but there will be a steady intake.

What do you think is the best strategy? I'll probably have some soup or a sandwich before setting out and inject to cover that, but then what? I know that alcohol pushes sugars up, but that it stops the liver from releasing glucose, so levels can fall, so I'll probably need to inject less. I was thinking of injecting half my 'expected' insulin requirements at the start of the meal, and then doing a corrective dose towards the end when I know what I've eaten.

What do you think?

p.s. I'm hoping there are no nurses present to see me inject!:)
Hi Northerner!

I just asked Alex and he says he like a couple of stellas then a kebab - but injects afterwards!:D

Seriously though i opened a thread very much like this (well the chinese all you can eat bit) and most people thought it best to underestimate for the meal and then you can always top it up a bit later - have a pen and paper on the table and keep adding it up as you eat! A few others mentioned that if drinking alcohol - its probably best to eat either nust or crisps inbetween each drink and to drink water too! Hope this helps a bit! Just make sure you have something just before you go to sleep! And have a great time!:)Bev ad Alex
the way i normally do this northerner is to do a small dose before eating and then correction dose later. with the alcohol i usually take a couple of units less of my last novorapid dose and then my usual lantus (as it takes minimum of 3 days for lantus changes to act) i also have a few glasses of water during the drinking session and also have some snacks to. all in all best advice is to go with what you feel comfortable doing.

Hi Northerner - I reckon that the odd night out is one of the occasions when control might go a bit haywire, but that's OK, if it doesn't happen too often. Better to play safe and run slightly higher blood glucose levels, and finally check before you go to bed - drink a pint of water, have water, sweets and a muesli bar withing reach of bed. An initial guess of insulin, then a correction dose later seems a good plan - that's what I'd do. I always carry my long acting insulin (not whole pen, just a cartridge that I can swap into short acting pen or use a syringe) with me as well, so that I can inject that if still out at the normal injection time.

Have a good night!
I always try to leave my final bs check as long as possible after my last alcoholic drink. Otherwise you can get a false high reading which can drop very quickly when you go to sleep.
You should be OK as you have the train journey (don't know how long) after you stop drinking.
Main thing is enjoy!
Whatever you do, enjoy the night out with your mates.
Hi, it's a friend's 40th birthday in a few days, so that means a 'big night out'. Whilst I've eaten out since diagnosis, this is likely to be a much more protracted affair, and something that I've shied away from until now - but I don't want to miss out on this.

I'll probably be leaving home around 5:30, a train journey and then a few drinks, and possibly a couple of sausages, until heading for the restaurant at around 8 pm. It's a Chinese 'all you can eat' type event, with endless starters and a main, plus a few bottles of Tsingtao. The meal will probably last until around 10-10:30, then a couple more drinks and train journey home. I probably won't drink that much, but there will be a steady intake.

What do you think is the best strategy? I'll probably have some soup or a sandwich before setting out and inject to cover that, but then what? I know that alcohol pushes sugars up, but that it stops the liver from releasing glucose, so levels can fall, so I'll probably need to inject less. I was thinking of injecting half my 'expected' insulin requirements at the start of the meal, and then doing a corrective dose towards the end when I know what I've eaten.

What do you think?

p.s. I'm hoping there are no nurses present to see me inject!:)

Yeah, make sure you watch out for those easily offended nurses....

If it were me I would probably let my bg run on the slightly high side for the evening, as you say inject for the meal and then add in any extra if you eat more than planned. And just be aware that although the drink wil push your sugars up initially it will most likely bring them down overnight so you may want to have a snack before bed and/or go to bed with higher levels than you'd usually want to, particularly if you're drinking over an extended period of time as the effect will probably last longer.
But I think as a rare occurance running a bit high for an evening isn't anything to be too worrried about as i'm sure you'll get straight back into your usual habits afterwards!

Don't stress too much - but understand your worry - it being your first big night out! Be wary with chinese food - the carb values vary from place to place and a lot of them use a lot of sugar in their food - you can taste it sometimes! As far as the alcohol goes as you are not drinking too much I would not 'overinject' to counter the affects.

With it being chinese I really would not under inject - I would inject as normal- and then do a final check at the end of the evening as late as possinble - as alcohol does raise and then lower your blood sugar quite rapidy - I would err on the side of caution and go to bed with levels a bit higher than you would normally aim for as after a night excatly like yours I often go low overnight.

Personally I quite often ignore high readings during a 'sess' of lots of drinks as I find that they are always temporary and lower quite rapidly overnight - or once you stop!

Another thing - you can try to avoid too many carbs and stick to the proteins and vegetables rather than blasting out on the rice and pasta. You can really fill out on these - and depending on what you are eating the sauces will be high carb (due to the sugar values as mentioned above!). And avoid the sweet and sour and any other dishes with particularly 'sticky' sauces!! Just have wee tasters if you can't resisit!

If you do go a bit high - don't worry - you have been looking after yourself so well - You are not going to do any permanent damage!

Hope this has been useful - and bear in mind - it is different for everyone and this is just my personal experience!
