Best questions to ask your Gp?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all i wonder if any of you can help?

I was diagnosed Type 2 end of January and have so far received no further input from Gp or practice nurse. At the time of diagnosis i was handed a printout about diabetes and encouraged to see one of our 'top dog' Gp's which i will be doing next wednesday. I was apparently put on their register (i just hope it was the right one!!!!)

So far i feel i've coped quite well (helps that i'm in the health business so i've read up on carbs etc!) but what questions should i be asking Gp next week???

Thought you might think of things i may not have. Thanks very much

Ness x
1. Does having diabetes mean that I am at higher risk for other medical problems?

2. Should I start seeing other doctors regularly, such as an eye doctor?

3. How often should I test my blood sugar and what should I do if it is too high or too low?

4. Are there any new medications that could be used to help manage my diabetes?

5. Does diabetes mean I have to stop eating the foods I like best?

6. How can exercise make a difference in my diabetes?

7. If I'm overweight, how many pounds do I have to lose to make a difference in my health?

8. Are my children at increased risk for the disease?

9. What is the importance of diet in diabetes?

10. Do I need to take my medications even on days that I feel fine?

hope they help you x
Thanks for those Steff, just jotted them down!

As i don't already monitor should i ask her for one? And if i did test whilst taking metformin and the readings were abnormal...over what period should i wait before consulting Gp?
Thanks for those Steff, just jotted them down!

As i don't already monitor should i ask her for one? And if i did test whilst taking metformin and the readings were abnormal...over what period should i wait before consulting Gp?

Its personal for many but i would advocate monitoring yes it helps you to determine what foods are bad for levels and what are good, but dont just jot the numbers down and think nothing of them if there high you must do things to get them down for example exercise,its all well and good keeping a diary but the numbers need to be used constructivly.If your getting consistent high numbers or low then it would not be sensible to leave it more then a couple of days i guess i dont know for certain though but i guess if there causing you to be ill id ring and get appointment straight away.
Ah, thats what i wanted to a couple of days of abnormal readings then back to Gp. Ta

I'm sure Gp will tell me to get lost when i ask her for one but nothing ventured, nothing gained eh.........should i be bold and ask her to prescribe the strips aswell??? (would i be pushing my luck??) Mind you i haven't asked for much out of the practice in the past 10 years! lol

sorry just one more question Steff if you can answer it....if i'm on the register...will the practice nurse contact me or should i just ask for them to weigh me, monitor Bp etc?
Ah, thats what i wanted to a couple of days of abnormal readings then back to Gp. Ta

I'm sure Gp will tell me to get lost when i ask her for one but nothing ventured, nothing gained eh.........should i be bold and ask her to prescribe the strips aswell??? (would i be pushing my luck??) Mind you i haven't asked for much out of the practice in the past 10 years! lol

sorry just one more question Steff if you can answer it....if i'm on the register...will the practice nurse contact me or should i just ask for them to weigh me, monitor Bp etc?

I know i got mine off the nurse and so did a few others, if she the dsn is abit funny then approach the nurse there usually abit nicer lol, Also regarding asking about strips it all depends some on here are lucky to get them but others are less fortunate and either have to fight all the way or buy there own from ebay they can be expensive mind you so i would ask definetly if you dont ask you dont get and all that.I dont think they contact you well i have never been contacted in a year its always me contacting them.Sorry someone else will be able to answer better then me xx
No Steff, i've greatly appreciated your help. Thanks.

You know whats it like...10 minute appointment and your head goes blank then you kick yourself afterwards! lol

Anyway once again ta very much

Ness x
No Steff, i've greatly appreciated your help. Thanks.

You know whats it like...10 minute appointment and your head goes blank then you kick yourself afterwards! lol

Anyway once again ta very much

Ness x

Yup i know exactly what you mean you go in there with the good intention of mentioning everything that you have planned to for the last week and then poof out you come and you feel like you asked nothing lol.Thats why writing it all down in your jotter or whatever is good, also if you have a small tape recorder with you if you have one and then you can re-listen to it when you get home and then the answers never leave your head then xx
Hmmm...i might not like hearing a repeat of me calling her tight-fisted **** when she declines me those test strips! lol (only kidding i'm a good girl really!)
Hi Ness, it's handy to know what your 'starting' numbers are so that you will be able to judge your progress in the future. Ask for your Blood pressure, cholesterol and HbA1c levels. Ask what the procedure is for retinopathy scans and foot examinations.

Certainly ask for a meter and for test strips to be prescribed - say you want to be able to check the effect of your dietary and activity adjustments so that you know what works and what to avoid. Tell them that you will record everything and return for an assessment of the figures. Tell them that this will make you feel that you are managing your diabetes as opposed to guessing and worrying about whether you are doing things right or not.

Ask if you can be referred to a dietician, and if there is any help available to help you with an exercise regime.

It will be a busy 10 minutes! Good luck!🙂
Hmmm...i might not like hearing a repeat of me calling her tight-fisted **** when she declines me those test strips! lol (only kidding i'm a good girl really!)

LOL she might just surprise you , good luck x
Northerner.....i was definately gonna ask for a referral to the dietician as its a bit hit and miss working random nights in the week....need to know the best things to nosh at 5 in the morning! My cholesterol is not too high and am taking simvastatin but i do feel if i tell her how SERIOUS i am to control my diabetes she could at least give me a monitor to prove i'm doing well.

Steff......i shall update you post appointment!
Northerner.....i was definately gonna ask for a referral to the dietician as its a bit hit and miss working random nights in the week....need to know the best things to nosh at 5 in the morning! My cholesterol is not too high and am taking simvastatin but i do feel if i tell her how SERIOUS i am to control my diabetes she could at least give me a monitor to prove i'm doing well.

Steff......i shall update you post appointment!

Thanks Ness id appreicate that x
Northerner.....i was definately gonna ask for a referral to the dietician as its a bit hit and miss working random nights in the week!

also ask for a place on an educational course - X-Pert or Desmond or such like.
It is one of your rights under the National Framework for Diabetes.
Yes excellent idea from Peter there Ness i have just completed the x-pert course it was a little while on a waiting list but was worth it the course has taught me alot and gave me more understanding.It is for newly disagnosed like yourself and it was very educational as well as abit of fun the odd time.
Hi Peter, when i was diagnosed the Gp loosely mentioned about a course but said no more!

Does it depend on the area you live in as to which course you get offered?

Steff....roughly how long was the wait?

suppose its slighly easier for me with 2 type 2 parents ....mind you mum is terrible at controlling her bm' told her it was absolutely fine to run at 20mmols! (what a joke!) Dad on the other hand has been through quite a bit over last 6 months.....had major op and unfortunately isn't the heaviest of men so consequently lost weight and suffered severe hypos! He takes things a bit to the extreme but i have to let him do what he feels best as its his body.

anyway must go....thank you so much for some great pointers xxx
p.s....just added the course question to the others in my notepad! lol
Hi Peter, when i was diagnosed the Gp loosely mentioned about a course but said no more!

Does it depend on the area you live in as to which course you get offered?

Steff....roughly how long was the wait?

suppose its slighly easier for me with 2 type 2 parents ....mind you mum is terrible at controlling her bm' told her it was absolutely fine to run at 20mmols! (what a joke!) Dad on the other hand has been through quite a bit over last 6 months.....had major op and unfortunately isn't the heaviest of men so consequently lost weight and suffered severe hypos! He takes things a bit to the extreme but i have to let him do what he feels best as its his body.

anyway must go....thank you so much for some great pointers xxx

I gues it depends what courses your area can afford, i know the x-pert course was for 30 intially but the most that ever turned up to my course was 9,i remember the lady saying 30 people are invited , i think asking the dsn will give you more info.
Well the waiting list for me was november to january.
Hi Peter, when i was diagnosed the Gp loosely mentioned about a course but said no more!

Does it depend on the area you live in as to which course you get offered?

seems to. Our DSNs chose the X-Pert programme because it was more interactive than Desmond.
can't add to Steffs list, but would say if you're worried about anything pester your doctor until you get the reassuarnces you want.

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