Best hypo stories?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wanna know, because I did the most awkward things when they got really low.

Some of the best down the years:

When I stayed over at my cousins: I woke up one night, went to my aunt, woke her up and asked
"Can I have a light cup of tea please?"

Another one included me running until I dropped and stayed down.

Speaking gibberish was also common, but people only realised when I lost control of my balance and dropped!

The last includes me saying the most ridiculous things, but thankfully people were very forgiving.
ohh yeah i have a few lol :D

passing out in currys , flaking out at my bros wedding😱 shoving my mate into a wall coz she was stood infront of the fridge ( was after the lucosade) talking complete rubbish, waking up to my friend dragging me by the foot to the school nurse...just to name a few lol , good thread idea! its made me giggle:D
I havent yet had a reallly bad one! So really have not a clue how i will behave :confused:

I am somewhat worried when this does happen as i work with children.......😱 but at the moment i do try my very best to make sure i never go that low whilst at work 🙂
I get very agitated and unreasonable and one time I was cooking dinner and was busy chopping an onion, my friend came in to see how I was doing and saw that I was shaking like a leaf and was still attempting to chop the onion, only she saw that it was more likely my fingers that were going to be for the chop.. she finally got the knife off me as i was reluctant to give it up saying that I was perfectly fine.. The other thing she noticed that I tend to do is rub my head back and forth when I go low.
The best one was in India, outside a Mosque. Hubby said, 'sit there while i get you some sweets. I'm coming back'.

I've lost a chunk of memory here, but 'came round' suddenly walking through an indian street (you know, a track covered in mud and straw) with a bunch of local kids that I was trying to get away from, so i kept walknig faster and faster...... then suddenly I realised I didn't have a clue how i'd got there. I'd walked hafl-way to the next village.

Dunno if my liver had kicked in, but suddenly things became a bit clearer and with a lot of pointing and saying the name if the Mosque, I managed to get myself back to where I'd come from. But i still had no money and no food, so spentt he next half hour looknig for my hubby, who was looknig for me.... luckily there weren't many 'big tall white men' around. Some guys at a bus station reunited us, and we all had a sweet, sticky Indian CHai together.
my worst one was walking up and down the street telling my neighbours there was a gas leak and they were to turn off their central heating and boilers until the gas board came 😱 We moved house a couple of years later! I once insisited we were over run by ants at work and got very annoyed when my colleagues couldn't see them. I was rescued by the school nurse and force fed lucozade. Really hope I have seen the back of these.
i hit an ambulance man once and told my mum to eff off. I was 13...
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