Best CGM patch experience and recommendations

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I would really appreciate some guidance here, I bought some typeonestyle patches but aren’t impressed at all, they just catch the libre2 adhesive (I didn’t recognise that when buying), my wife bought some that cover the whole sensor which looks reasonable but do not know the brand, they were pretty cheap.
I’m looking at the ‘just not a patch’ brand and they look convincing.
Anyone have good experience with any, particularly if you’re doing energetic sport where there’s a lot of rubbing.

Also any recommendations for a padded / neoprene sleeve for it would be appreciated as well. I’m going to be back to karate soon and I’m sure someone will kick/grab me there at some point.

Many thanks 🙂
Hi on my sensors where I am concerned about them coming off, I use a tegaderm over the whole thing. I think for Libre they still suggest cutting a hole to match the one in the centre of the sensor. These stay on well and the whole of my sensor (and transmitter). They sometimes get a bit curly round the edges, so not pretty but they stay in place. I hope that that helps.
Hi on my sensors where I am concerned about them coming off, I use a tegaderm over the whole thing. I think for Libre they still suggest cutting a hole to match the one in the centre of the sensor. These stay on well and the whole of my sensor (and transmitter). They sometimes get a bit curly round the edges, so not pretty but they stay in place. I hope that that helps.
Thanks for the info, do you know why they recommend cutting out a hole? I’ve currently got it covered.
Thanks for the info, do you know why they recommend cutting out a hole? I’ve currently got it covered.
I think it’s to allow your skin to breathe, although when we had Libre we were covering it with Tegaderm and not cutting a hole for several months before we found out you are supposed to do that, and we never had any problems!
The hole is to allow the skin to "breath" under the sensor.

I use an adjustable elastic arm strap with a 3D printed watch face to support my Libre. I twang it on bra straps occasionally but it takes the hit and leaves the Libre safe. It also seems to greatly improve the adhesion of the Libre when used over the newly applied Libre sensor for a couple of days. My partner and I carriage drive and I often have itchy sweaty horses wanting to scrub their bridled faces on my arms and shoulders so my Libre do get exposed to situations where they can be dislodged but since wearing the strap, I have only lost one once and that was working in the garden pruning fruit trees when a pruned branch end dug right in under the side of Libre and strap and to be honest I was quite lucky it didn't dig a hole in my arm too, so losing the Libre was not unrealistic in that situation.
You could use a couple of wraps around your arm of cohesive bandage (Vet Wrap is what we use for horses and works fine on people too and easily purchased off ebay and I presume Amazon) to protect it for Karate.
Thanks @Sally71 & @rebrascora
@rebrascora did you 3D print the cover or was it purchased, it sounds like a nice solution. Any chance of a picture?
@mitchsi are you asking about patches because you are afraid you may have an issue or have you actually experienced sensors falling off?

I ask because many of us need no patches or covering providing our skin is dry (not at all greasy) when the sensor is applied to a flat part of the arm.

If I was planning to spend a lot of time in the water (e.g. going on holiday to spend a week in the hotel pool), I would consider protection but, the rest of the time, it sticks like a limpet. I am happy not to spend the money and not to produce more waste.
Bought it off ebay, but I am sure there are plenty on Amazon etc too. Just do a search for Libre arm strap and I am sure plenty will come up. There are lots of options for colour combinations for the strap and cover ranging from flesh coloured to loud and proud neons! 🙄 I went for black and neon green! 😎
What I particularly like about it is that it gives me a visual reminder of which arm my Libre is on in the shower as otherwise I forget and risk scrubbing it off. A nice hot shower and an exfoliating mitt can be challenging for Libre as well as a good scrub with a towel when you get out, if you forget which arm it is on.
@mitchsi are you asking about patches because you are afraid you may have an issue or have you actually experienced sensors falling off?

I ask because many of us need no patches or covering providing our skin is dry (not at all greasy) when the sensor is applied to a flat part of the arm.

If I was planning to spend a lot of time in the water (e.g. going on holiday to spend a week in the hotel e pool), I would consider protection but, the rest of the time, it sticks like a limpet. I am happy not to spend the money and not to produce more waste.
Yeah my wife did and I caught it in bed and it started to detach from its own adhesive, it wasn’t really caught on much either.
I’m also very new to T1D so have very little experience. I run and do karate so would like some confidence that there is some protection.
I don’t wear anything over it. If they come off early I fill in the online form to get a free replacement.
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