Best Artficial Sweetners?..Plus My Readings Today :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone, well, I am still struggling with my Levels today...It's driving me mad! 😡 I had a half milk, half water Coffee last night and I still jumped up 2 levels...and had no biccie!...So, I was looking at my sweetner, I have Canderel, the one that looks like sugar! 🙂

It says on the back : Per 100g : 93.7 Carbs of which is sugars 2.9.

93.7 Carbs?!?!? :confused: So, should I be using this sweetner?...It says 'Suitable for Diabetics' on the back of the jar.

Can anyone shed any light on this please?...I am so desperate to get my levels down!...any help please 🙂

My Readings Today

Moring reading: 11.9

Had Coffee for Brekkie!

Lunch: Ham Sandwich, 1 digetsive, Cup of tea (Sweetner) Had 4 Units Novorapid.

2 Hours Post Lunch: 13.5

Pre Dinner reading: 10.7

Dinner: Oven Chips, Chicken, 1 Roll. (Had 10 Units Novorapid)

2 hours post Dinner: 16!!!!...Spiked right up!

Got to test again before bed!
4 Hour reading: 13.2.....Coming down but taking so long!

I'm gonna have a coffee!🙄
Hi Ellowyne, unfortunately yes, they do contain carbs, but they do not release those into the blood as quickly as sugar would so it is a more gradual rise, not a 'spike'. They'll still affect your levels, although bear in mind that you're not using a lot so it shouldn't have too great an effect. When I use sweetener I use the tiny Sweetex tablets - I'm afraid I lost the packaging so not sure what carbs they contain, but probably negligible.

Your levels still have quite a high 'starting point' so please do remember this. It is probably because you need more levemir, but do discuss this with your DSN before changing. A rise of 6 mmol sounds a lot, but that would also happen to me from time to time - e.g. I might rise from 4 to 10 and not really think anything of it. Again, I think it is probably the levemir that is too low, so it is not 'covering' your natural (without food) output of glucose.

The figures do look high, but I am SURE that they will improve as your doses are adjusted and fine-tuned 🙂 How did the novorapid affect you? Any further tummy upsets?
Thank you for posting Northerner 🙂

I spoke to my DSN today. She said to go back to the Levimer 'Once' in the evening, and that she would like me to increase this slowy.....As you said, not enough Levimer!...The Novorapid, well, she said 5 unts with lunch, 10 with Dinner. As for my tummy, it seems ok, just uncomfortable bloated feeling and my gall bladder seems a bit upset...I am hoping this settles, but I am bearing with it!

I told my DSN that I was worried about weight gain...she, for want of a better word, assured me, that 'I WILL put on weight with the Novorapid' However, she said that they are limited to what they can offer me because of my other health issues. She finished by saying "It's a vicious circle I'm afraid" " The more Insulin, the more weight you will gain"

All in all, I did'nt feel too reassured and felt quite despondent after talking to her...but what can I do?...I need to watch my carbs, I know this, so that will help...But what do I make a priority, my weight loss...or controling my Blood sugars?...I will of course try to do my best with both.

Thank you again Northerner....I really appretiate the time you take to reply and offer me your help and advise 🙂
Not the best 'bedside manner' from that nurse is it? It is not inevitable that you will put on weight with the insulin - that is NOT a fact. Absolutely the best thing is to get your blood sugar levels down and stable - you will feel soooo much better about things, and better able to take on the other things! It will take a little time to build up to the right doses of insulin, but once that is good, you can look at the next thing you want to tackle.

Hope you sleep well 🙂
Hiya, I suggest splenda. Canderal is made from aspartame, which well...I'm not a fan of myself in sweetner, makes it taste funny. Splenda is made from sucralose and is amazing
Thank you so, so much!....I wish my DSN was as kind and helpful as you Northerner! 🙂

Sleep well and speak soon!
Hiya, I suggest splenda. Canderal is made from aspartame, which well...I'm not a fan of myself in sweetner, makes it taste funny. Splenda is made from sucralose and is amazing

Oh, I did'nt know that!....Thank you Salmopuff, I will buy some Splenda! 🙂
Well these levels are better than before Ellowyne so dont feel too bad, If i had chips I get a "spike" too. My bloods have been behaving themselves today not risen about 9 =) I dont have a clue why they have been yoyoing so much the past few weeks but I hope that after today they are more settled. You are doing fantasic, I'd call you DSN again and say that you want to split them. I got a leaflet through (can't remember why now) that had all the types of insulin and how long they last and it stated on there how long levemir lasted and it was 18 hours. I'll try to google it for you xxx
Hi Ellowyne, you don;t say how much Levemir you are taking, I take a 60 unit (max for the pen) in the morning and in the evening and i'm not on novorapid. You might find the booklets on the NovoNordisk site good:

You might be interested in the stuff here: which includes how to calculate your dosage according to weight. I was trying to find the formula I used when I first started on Levemir that told you how much to increase/decrease the dosage according to your BG reading, but can't find it. Did you DSN say what she meant by slowly increase the dose?

As you may have gathered everyone is different, but I feel in general you can either control your eating to reduce your BG or you can increase your insulin to match your eating. It's the later course of action that will make you inclined to put on weight.

I find I have to be very strict with my bread intake, so I would have ham and salad for lunch (1 packet of crisps for carbs) and NO bread, and I wouldn't have a Roll with dinner. The name of the game is experiment, it's quite fun to find ways to improve your meals without resorting to rice/potatoes/pasta/bread.
Not the best 'bedside manner' from that nurse is it? It is not inevitable that you will put on weight with the insulin - that is NOT a fact. Absolutely the best thing is to get your blood sugar levels down and stable - you will feel soooo much better about things, and better able to take on the other things! It will take a little time to build up to the right doses of insulin, but once that is good, you can look at the next thing you want to tackle.

Hope you sleep well 🙂

I agree with what Northerner said about weight gain with insulin. It is not inevitable. I actually lost weight after I started on insulin so it doesn't necessarily mean you will put on weight.
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