bent cannula??

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all. i recently changed my infusion set and reservoir with the minimed mio. i usually use mio advance but i’m running low on them and have no idea when next order will come so trying to save them. everything went fine until i inserted it. this one really hurt and hurt for about 5 mins after and i’ve never had that in my 4 years of being on a pump. the needle was very big, bigger than my usual, but i’m wondering, could the cannula be bent? i‘ve never had a bent cannula so i’m not sure what too look out for or how it happens etc but along with it hurting when going in, my bg seems to be rising fast. double arrows. i was high before and i thought a change would make it come down. i can’t change again cause i don’t have much reservoirs left. i have 2 and those have to last me until my order comes and i have no idea when as they can’t give them to me due to not enough info?? dsn said she would sort it out but nothing come back as yet. any help or advice is really appreciated!
You do not have to change the reservoirs and cannulas at the same time.
No1 rule if you are in pain from the insertion and it doesn't settle after a couple of mins then change it
also if blood sugars rising at a rate of knots is a sure indication you have a problem cannula.

Oh and welcome to the world of bent cannulas from medtronic. In all the years of pumping (15) I only ever had two failures and both my fault with other pumps. I class it as a miracle if I go a week with out a problem with their cannulas.
Welcome from another Medtronic cannula user. I use the Miao Advanced but when they were not available for a while switched to the Miao.

If you are in pain from an insertion site which doesn’t settle change it. This can happen if the needle catches a blood vessel and has happened on occasions whichever cannulas I have used. It is rare and when I then take it out I get a bleeder. I keep some circular plasters in my bag with other D stuff for this very occasions.

As Sue said you can just change the cannula and then choose ‘Fill cannula’ rather than ‘New reservoir’. That way there is no need for a new reservoir. It sounds like you are running out of cartridges, so I would contact your DSN urgently and ask if they can provide you with/or okay with Medtronic an extra box as a buffer. I know that Medtronic require approval from our funders but where I got into difficulty my hospital sent an email and I was able to order them the same day, and get an urgent delivery.
Well worth taking out the stress of having limited stock.
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