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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi new to the site im on incapacity benefit due to being realy ill im type 2 with high blood pressure always tired and i suffer from sleep paralysis aswell as dirmititis.Im now having trouble walking long distances and suffer from depression i feel trapped from the outside world and just wondered if there was anyone else in the same boat......and how do you feel about the way the goverment want everyone back to work.
In the same boat, only get out for Hospital and doctors appointments. Unable to use public transport so have to use Taxi's everytime, average cost ?10 a round trip.
Did apply for Disability Living Allowance, second word in reply was OFF.
As to everyone back to work, as usual goverment living in a dream world.
Everyone has different situations. However for me diabetes is not a disability in the sense that it does not hinder my ability to work. I am glad to have a job. It means I can have my own money and independence. My boyfriend was on jobseekers a while ago and it was horrible, so depressing for him, he felt useless even though he was doing his best and searching for jobs. He hated depending on the state for cash. So that is my perspective on it. My job is not certain, I could lose it and I am scared about that, I would hate not to have a job. It gives me a routine and makes me feel I have a purpose. I like the feeling I have earned my money. Of course not everyone can manage a full time paid job, one of my friends can only manage 1 day a week in a charity shop but she is getting out of the house for that day and seems happier for it. I have always been brought up to think that having a job is important, or at least having something that gets you out of the house and so you can meet other people, maybe a volunteer job, I did that after uni and before I got a paid job. Each to their own though, we all have different experiences and beliefs and abilities.
Diabetes is not my disability. I have other problems that are not related to this forum.
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