Beloved Pet

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i dont know what to do. on tuesday we had to make the hardest decision ever to have my 11 year old collie put to sleep she was my world and i am totally devastated. i cant stop crying feel sick all the time and can only manage to eat toast. my bg have been on the high side and loaded with ketones since tuesday, this morning bg was 4.3 still loaded with ketones head is banging any help would be appreciated. diagnosed nearly 2 years ago type 1 thank you
Can't give help in any way, Karen, but just wanted to send hugs. The loss is no different to losing a close friend of the human-kind. I hope you have many happy memories of times spent with your pet.

You gave your pet love and the gift of a quick release when needed - I wish we could do the same for some people when they are suffering but it's a difficult argument I know.

All the very best, my dear.
I am so sorry to hear your news, I know that my heart would break if anything happened to my 11 year old collie. I know that it's difficult but try to remember all of the wonderful times that you had together and the brilliant life you gave your doggy and that he/she gave to you. Do you have some photos that you can put together in a special photo album or picture frame so that you can have that close to look at whenever you are thinking of her? Lots of hugs x
Can't give help in any way, Karen, but just wanted to send hugs. The loss is no different to losing a close friend of the human-kind. I hope you have many happy memories of times spent with your pet.

You gave your pet love and the gift of a quick release when needed - I wish we could do the same for some people when they are suffering but it's a difficult argument I know.

All the very best, my dear.

thank you so much for your kind words x
I know how you feel Karen, we had to put down our adored little Jack Russel a couple of months ago. She was my wee shadow and I miss her so much. We just put up a really lovely pastel drawing of her that a cousin made for us, it shows the mischevious little madam that she was. I can't look at it without having a bit of a sniffle.

Big Hugs.
Very sorry to hear about your loss Karen :( Our pets love us unconditionally and give us a very special bond, but think also of the wonderful love she received from you and how wonderful you made her life!

Eat what you can and keep an eye on those ketones. If your levels aren't too high then it's likely that they are 'dietary' ketones created as you are not eating much and burning body fat to compensate - as long as you are taking sufficient insulin to keep your levels reasonable then you should be OK - make sure you drink lots of liquids though, and do get in touch with your DSN or doctor if the ketones persist. Hope you are feeling stronger soon.
Ahhhh Karen! your post is so sad!! I can imagine your loss and how you are feeling!! Take care!
Karen so very sorry to hear of your loss, animals give us so much love and joy, think of all the good times you had hun and keep strong, try and keep in mind that your important as well, maybe try some soup or something thats not to fiddley to make but remember keep your fluids up.xx
Im so sorry to hear of your lose. Its so hard we you have to make that decision i know. I have attached a verse someone gave to me when I had to say goodbye to my baby. Re your bs and keytone level please take care and maybe its time to let your gp/dsn know. Take care hunnie

The Rainbows Bridge Poem

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together
So sorry to hear your very sad news. Not surprising your BGs have been a bit high after such a difficult stressful time.

Look after yourself.


Sorry to hear it's always so hard when we have to say farewell to our 4 legged friends, your memories of the time you spent together can never be taken away and will soon make you smile again...

Take Care
I'm really sorry you have had to have your collie put to sleep I know how you feel it is heartbreaking and a very difficult decision to make. They do not ask for much but give a lot of love and friendship Take care.
Just wanted to add my sympathy and understanding - it has to be one of the hardest decisions in the world and it took me ages to get over having to have our cat, Harry put to sleep a few years ago. Big hugs to you.xx
thank you all for your kind words it means so much. i feel so down and guilty but i know she was suffering its so heartbreaking hugs back to each and everyone of you x
i dont know what to do. on tuesday we had to make the hardest decision ever to have my 11 year old collie put to sleep she was my world and i am totally devastated. i cant stop crying feel sick all the time and can only manage to eat toast. my bg have been on the high side and loaded with ketones since tuesday, this morning bg was 4.3 still loaded with ketones head is banging any help would be appreciated. diagnosed nearly 2 years ago type 1 thank you

Oh bless you karen, my heart goes out to you.
A little verse for you

My Dog

The one who listens when I talk
The one who cheers my lonely walk
The one who nuzzles when I cry
The one who comforts when i sigh

Who else could match my every mood?
Who else would feast on scraps of food?
Who else would prompt this monolouge?
Who else but you.......
My loving dog

Take care of yourself Sheenax
Oh bless you karen, my heart goes out to you.
A little verse for you

My Dog

The one who listens when I talk
The one who cheers my lonely walk
The one who nuzzles when I cry
The one who comforts when i sigh

Who else could match my every mood?
Who else would feast on scraps of food?
Who else would prompt this monolouge?
Who else but you.......
My loving dog

Take care of yourself Sheenax

That is so so lovely sheena x
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