Bell's palsy: Facing the TV cameras with half a smile

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After a lifetime of pretty much doing what I told it to do, one half of my face has decided to go on strike.

From the left side of my forehead to the left side of my chin, every one of my facial features is in complete, open mutiny.

I can't raise my left eyebrow. I can't close my left eye.

And when I try to smile, while the right side of my mouth still obligingly pulls itself into the requisite shape, the left side refuses to budge.

The resulting expression turns out to be useless at signalling a friendly hello but it might come in handy if I ever decide to hold up a corner store.

Welcome to the strange world of a Bell's palsy sufferer.

The symmetrical look, in 2006
Bell's palsy is not a great thing to happen to a TV reporter.

That said, it's not a great thing to happen to anyone who needs his or her face and from the many accounts I've seen online, plenty of people carry on with their daily lives.

So I've decided that I will too.
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