Belated Happy New Year To You All!

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hope you are all well and survived the festive season ? I did ? but my internet access at home did not (I am still having an ongoing war - this has never happened to me before.) It has been driving me nuts! I am now back in the office and have full access again - Hurrah! Many apologies for lack of contact - but so glad to see that you have all been supporting one another and active. I am notified of every new post and have nearly 700 to go through - !!
Hope you are all well and survived the festive season ? I did ? but my internet access at home did not (I am still having an ongoing war - this has never happened to me before.) It has been driving me nuts! I am now back in the office and have full access again - Hurrah! Many apologies for lack of contact - but so glad to see that you have all been supporting one another and active. I am notified of every new post and have nearly 700 to go through - !!

Good luck - and happy new year to you!
And a very Happy New Year to you, Kati! This board has been one of my best Christmas presents - I've learned so much!🙂
Thanks and Happy New Year

Admin: I'm torn between not wanting to add to your list of messages to read and wanting to thank you for setting up this messageboard!
I think this forum is fab too, so can I add my thanks. Not sure I'd have got through Christmas without it as I have a house full of males who think all women can eat chocolate until they have Nestle or Cadburys written on their foreheads!
Just wanted to also add the same as my fellow diabeters and say thank you for this site. Happy New Year Admin (is Kati your name) dont like using Admin would much rather use your name.

All the best.

Hope you are all well and survived the festive season ? I did ? but my internet access at home did not (I am still having an ongoing war - this has never happened to me before.) It has been driving me nuts! I am now back in the office and have full access again - Hurrah! Many apologies for lack of contact - but so glad to see that you have all been supporting one another and active. I am notified of every new post and have nearly 700 to go through - !!

Happy New Year to you too Kati.
Hope they sort out your internet; hate to think of you as having internet withdrawal syndrome🙂

Two of my boxes are running 24/7 and the rest only 12/12 daily. Passes the time well keeping up to date.

Specialist unit in my district hospital where a consultant amputates mobile 'phones from most of the lasses admitted prior to their treatment😉
Happy New Year to you!!

We must be a very well behaved bunch, I've not seen any post that needed to be seen to by Admin. I'm not sure that many sites could go unmoderated for such a period and not have problems.
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