being forgetful

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi after my news of good control i seem to have had dreadful few days.
I just forgot everything and at work its been a nightmare,losing and misplacing important stuff ,putting wrong info in diaries missing appointments etc lost my watch,misplaced my wallet. haven't felt well also and normally I'm cycling today but don't feel well.I'm sure that this is not related to blood sugar as although it been a bit up and down not massive differences.
I just thought Id ask if anyone else has experienced this
i am really forgetful, i just put it down to age!

Hope you get sorted and feel better soon

Julie x
I can't say I have the greatest memory, habits work well so I don't loose things, If I don't know where something is, i.e. it's not where it should be then I don't know where to look as that's where it should be and I don't have time to search the house down! Anyway sorry a bit of a tangent there! I haven't got any worse since diabetes kicked in (I hope!). Well done on the good control, I guess it's difficult to stay steady for long periods, try and keep it up. Hope you feel better soon.
i am terrle i end up at shope and wonder why im actually there x
i am terrle i end up at shope and wonder why im actually there x

As an "oldie" I can relate to that, Steff. However, they reckon as you get older you are more interested in the hereafter. It's all down to going into a room and saying "what am I here after ?" - sorry !!!

I can't put my loss of memory down to diabetes though, I think it really is old age in my case !
My memory is not a problem, it's other peoples. I use a diary for improtant numbers and my outlook calender, but remember them any way. My biggest problem is anything to do with numbers and have always had to repeat things like telephone numbers back to people to make sure i have them right.
well 2day i put the roast in the oven and realised after 30 minutes i had not put it in the roasting dish, hmmmm very forgetful :D:D
well 2day i put the roast in the oven and realised after 30 minutes i had not put it in the roasting dish, hmmmm very forgetful :D:D

Hmm did you forget its not Sunday till tomorrow Steff ? hehehe :D😱
Hmm did you forget its not Sunday till tomorrow Steff ? hehehe :D😱

ooohh in this house roast is a saturday hun as he has a mega lie in on sund and im at work till 3 and the lazy sod cud never muster up doing a roast.
My memory is perfect

I just keep forgetting to file the information into it 🙄
I'm never...err.....erm, what's the word...erm...Oh yeah, forgetful.

I have a perfect whatsit
A mate of mine calls it CRS.

Can't Remember S**t.

But funnily enough I was finding I was even more forgetful in the run up to being diagnosed than normal.

I hear that Stanner have invented a new express stairlift.

It gets you there before you forget what you went upstairs for.:D
I very forgetful at the moment and can't really put it down to age. I put it down to stress at the moment. Particulary I have word finding problems, I get stuck in the middle of sentences as I forget thew words.
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