Behold, Greeks Bearing Gifts!

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Well-Known Member
Today I had long awaited physiotherapy appointment with kind mature Greek gentleman physiotherapist called Ioannos, and I wanted to gently impart some of his wisdom as I am aware I have tendency to throw spiky shapes and wail like feral cat when I get sense of bullying, thanks to teenage years being bullied throughout school but I don't see my self as victim either, maybe more contrary feline...

So to summarise for everyone but especially those of us in the big boned overweight physically impaired or morbidly obese categories hanging on in there, be kind to your bodies, listen to the pain and strain put on your frame and be aware of muscle aches and pains, if you can do short walks and recover easily, that's great exercise, if you can do Parkrun and the next day your body feels fine, that's good for you being physically fit, but due to all the various pressures of "just lose weight, diet and exercise, remission is easy peasy" from the usual suspects, we are not being kind to ourselves and we will not become physically fitter or lose weight faster if we are causing injuries to our bodies by over-exerting ourselves, spraining ankles and resorting to pain relief gels and compression support bands for sports injuries as matter of course...

Try to think long-term about very gently increasing exercise levels gradually over period of time, if short walks are too much, consider aqua aerobics classes in water which supports your body and reduces friction, but ultimately find exercise regimen which is right for you and actively choose to not listen to those who only offer putdown comments and more pressure to "get fit quick, fast weight loss now" as that easily leads to over-exertion and sports injuries and then you are out of action back to square one being sedentary whilst you recover...

Be kind to your selves, be kinder to each other when people choose to offer their personal insights from lived experiences about what it feels like to be overweight in our society which values thin skinny forever young toned bodies, yet we are all living in an obesogenic environment, and thanks to the Greek physiotherapist bearing gifts I never expected would be offered in my GP Surgery, my next step is social prescribing for exercise classes on my remission journey, without all the pressure of "must be thin for holiday, must lose weight for social event, must invest in corsetry and bodyshapers for going out with friends", no I must be my self and this progress will happen in it's own time without self-injury and literally beating on my own body to change it... :confused:
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I've always thought that a very large part of most health battles is actually liking yourself and listening to what your body is telling you BUT you do also have to recognise when that ruddy body is telling you big, BLACK lies!
I had my handwriting analysed once and the chap merely told me 'You have a very high opinion of yourself - and unfortunately, that opinion is not always shared by others'. (100% correct - and that idiot was my boss and therefore able to choose me for redundancy!)
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