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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Any one got any hints on how to dose beer?!

I went to bed with a BS of 27 last night - (oops) after going out for the other half's birthday.

Did the necessary correction and then tested through the night in case this sent me hypo, which it didnt thankfully.

Ive tried the DAFNE method of half dosing for beer carbs but capping at 4 units as per DSN advice. But this doesnt seem to be enough. Much more though and im hypo at about 8am.
Last thing at night carby snack goes out the window with readings like that to!

I know the sensible thing would be to drink less but hey ho - im only 25! :D

Any suggestions?

maybe try holsten pils apparently all the sugar in this is turned into alcohol , maybe some one with abit more knowledge on it can say for sure, any heavy beers or darker beers i would probably stay away from. you could got for bud light or michelob is a low carb beer that dont taste to bad, stay away from darker beers like bitter for exmaple
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Well I sort of guessed lastnight and took 4 units ,I woke to a 14 but just corrected this morning , and I knew lager would send me high so I didnt have any carbs. I think its different for us all , some people would have to have a snack or would hypo . I know I always go higher :confused:
Any one got any hints on how to dose beer?!

I went to bed with a BS of 27 last night - (oops) after going out for the other half's birthday.

Did the necessary correction and then tested through the night in case this sent me hypo, which it didnt thankfully.

Ive tried the DAFNE method of half dosing for beer carbs but capping at 4 units as per DSN advice. But this doesnt seem to be enough. Much more though and im hypo at about 8am.
Last thing at night carby snack goes out the window with readings like that to!

I know the sensible thing would be to drink less but hey ho - im only 25! :D

Any suggestions?


It seems everyone gets different advice on this. My DSN has told me not to compensate for the alcohol as it initially pushes the readings up but can then cause them to plummet on their own.

Hope you get an answer that works for you

Thanks Guys!

I only ever drink light stuff like Corona or becks if i fancy a beer. I just find these are the worst things to dose for.

Wine is easy - big fat nothing!! This does definately need a bed time snack, i had a scary hypo on wine not long after diagnosis and im not doing that agian!

The only other thing i drink is vodka lime and soda. I just dose the lime and have a "free" packet of crisps etc.

Just sometimes, particularly during the odd patches of sunshine we get, it has to be a bottle of ice cold beer!

sounds like some more experimentation is needed . . . . oh well :D

Well I guess as they've said before we're all different, so it's a bit of trial and error, testing etc.

Personnally, I don't inject for beer, I test more often, and eat carbs before bed, also not injected for, then deal with effects in the morning, and hope by lunch I'm back on track.

Hope you had a good night!!
It was a great night thanks!! - well worth the crazy reading as a one off!

I don't drink beer, but for alcohol I generally go very high, well into the 20's have a carb snack and 1 pints of water before bed. Then I wake up under 10 always. Alcohol seems to drop my blood sugar through the night, so I wonder what would happen if I wasn't high before bed. Don't drink enough to work it out perfectly.

Glad you had a good night
Hi Vicki,

The carbs in beer send my blood sugar high immediately after drinking, but then the effect of the alcohol sends it plummeting to lower than what I started at.

I also worry I might take too much insulin once I've had a few beers, so I tend to do the same as rossi_mac and let it go high, snack before bed and then fix it in the morning if I have to but normally my BG is back within range.

Alcohol definitely effects everyone differently, so experimentation is probably the best idea. Plus it gives you a good excuse for another night out - "I'm testing the effects of alcohol on my diabetes - honest!" 😉

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