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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When I started carb counting I asked my DSN about alcohol. She didn't really gie me a straight answer just said that the carbs would increase my blood sugar but then my levels would crash as my liver started to metabolise the alcohol. Up until now I have never injected for beer, just accepted that my glucose results would spike. I'm just wondering what other people do, do you ever count carbs in alcohol? do you treat it differently if you were having it with a meal or not? and do you count the post night out bed time snack?
My experience varies wildly. Sometimes a couple of little bottles of beer will spike me way up into the teens, other times a few pints seem to leave me pretty much unscathed.

I don't count the carbs in beer (I was advised not to) but I usually don't really snack after either, aside from a few occasional peanuts...

These days I just expect some sort of spike, and watch for the following dip keeping an extra eye-out for possible hypos.

When I started carb counting I asked my DSN about alcohol. She didn't really gie me a straight answer just said that the carbs would increase my blood sugar but then my levels would crash as my liver started to metabolise the alcohol. Up until now I have never injected for beer, just accepted that my glucose results would spike. I'm just wondering what other people do, do you ever count carbs in alcohol? do you treat it differently if you were having it with a meal or not? and do you count the post night out bed time snack?

Hi Fruitloaf,

I am a drinker and have always enjoyed a beer or three, although I have changed my tipple to wine most of the time. I don't count carbs in alcohol for the reasons you have already given, just have to be careful if you have had a few too many, then a snack before bed time (no humalog taken only lantus ) is a must!!
I find it does raise my levels a bit, but I don't inject for it. I might go up 3-4 mmol, but it seems that, for me, the lager cancels out the liver! Onlt snack if I'm hovering around the 5s before bed.
yeah im the same really. i find if im on a night out, it will always send my levels up and then the next day it will drop them, so i just watch for that really and it tends to work out ok.
However if im at home & having a drink then i will take a unit or 2 for every couple of pints (and bit more for real ale), thats what i was advised to do on dafne. but generally i find u dont really need to take extra at all.
I think it is a highly individual thing. I'm not a drinker, so unless I have it with a meal, anything containing alcohol leaves me tipsy after one or two glasses.

The advice I was given was to test and see what happens, although there is no harm in having a couple (one or two) of social drinks.
Hello, beer o'clock? :D

I don't inject for beer carbs, I do however keep a keen eye on things, if eating with food I don't worry at all, no matter how high I am before bed I would probably have a biscuit or two, but for me I haven't really been in the high teens for a long while. Actually last night I only had 2 beers and I was 14 so I corrected but think I miss counted the carbs in my dinner! The next day is more difficult sometime it's just breakfast i am different (need less Insulin) but often lunch is too and sometimes into the evening! As others have said it really is individual and work out what is best for you, play it safe with others around you who would know what to do if you went low. Wine and spirts I treat the same but would eat more whilst drinking as there are no carbs in them, and defo eat before bed if on wine & spirits.

above all enjoy it and play safe

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