Beer and Xmas... Advice pls

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
ok folks, I know if u have diabetes u watch the alcohol so no ear bashing pls 🙂

However realistically, over Xmas I will have a night or two where I drink more than one or two, not blind drunk I hasten to add, just more than I ought to.
Has anyone written a "drinking safely for Diabetics" thing?

Do I still take my metaformin before I go out? What do I watch for - I have never had a hypo and have only read about them? How best to recover in the morning?

What drinks are better that others? I have tried the "light" drinks like miller. But I have to confess to a Guiness penchant.

Hiya, I'm not 100% on this but thought you had to be very moderate with drinking whilst on met. Something to do with the liver I think. Met doesn't cause hypo's anyway, So you will be fine in that department.
Just to be safe it might be a good idea to check with your practice nurse regarding the beer drinking and met.
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Know your limit and you will be safe. If you're worried test regularly. Don't drink without eating.

Don't know how true it is because I never tried, but an old drinker told me to line the stomach drink a pint of milk before you go. Suppose it's fine unless you have dairy intolerance.

I think most of iti s about being sensible. I can always look a pratt stone cold sober...
Guinness is good for you!
I was told when I was first diagnosed to avoid sweet drinks like licquers, and if drinking a spirit clear ones were better than coloured ones e.g. vodka rather than whisky - don't know why?
I stick to Guinness in moderation, and the odd red wine.
It's Xmas so let go a little!
I'd say avoid sweet drinks like bailey's, this is loaded with sugar. I personally stick to beer because then I can keep a reasonable amount of control on how much I drink of an evening. Knowing your limits is definitely helpful. You can't drink too much as you know, my limit is around the three pint mark.

Best of luck.

Tom H
Hi ! According to my doctor one should avoid drinking beer because it raises the tryglicerides levels !

Happy New Year ! xxx
Well Christmas is over for another year. I hope everyome managed to have a drink and was happy.

With the usual family events I have found the perfect way of not drinking. I tell people that I am on anti biotics and so can't indulge. I still had a couple of small ones when no one was looking!😎
antibiotics and alcohol

No need to make life harder for yourself! Personally, I prefer not to drink any alcohol at all if I know I will be driving in the next 12 hours, as it's very hard to know how much in a glass, particularly if not in a pub or drinking from a can / bottle of beer.

The only commonly prescribed antibiotic that means you must avoid alcohol totally is metronidazole (commonest trade name Flagyl), used to for some dental infections, amoebic dysentery etc. When taking other antibiotics, it is wise to limit alcohol intake because you have an infection, NOT because you are taking antibiotics.

The leaflet issued with the antibiotics will tell you if you must avoid alcohol while taking the medication, and about any cautions eg take care when driving / operating when taking insulin.
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