Been type 2 for a year can’t lose weight

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James mason 72

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Iam type 2 taking metformin and gliclazide . And also find I get anxiety and neck pain ? And ideas please?
Have you reduced your Hba1c in that time?
When got tested first it was 133 now done to 50
Wow - that was a seriously high number to start off from, and now you are barely into diabetic numbers.
I would suspect that the Gliclazide - which pressures the output of insulin could be the culprit in the lack of weightloss.
What sort of after meal levels do you see?
I am assuming that as Gliclazide can cause hypos you are supplied with the means to test blood glucose.
Hi. If you are gaining weight then the carbs in your diet may be too high. The Gliclazide will be enabling the pancreas to produce more insulin and if you have too many carbs they will be stored as fat. Aim for something like 150gm/day or less. Have enough fats and proteins as part of your diet as well as fibre etc.
Hi. If you are gaining weight then the carbs in your diet may be too high. The Gliclazide will be enabling the pancreas to produce more insulin and if you have too many carbs they will be stored as fat. Aim for something like 150gm/day or less. Have enough fats and proteins as part of your diet as well as fibre etc.

Not really.
A Hba1c 50 now is brilliant.
You suggest cutting carbs randomly, that could easily go into hypo territory.
Ref the weight gain I was referring to the original poster. If you are getting near to hypos with Gliclazide then may be the dose needs reducing rather than 'feeding' the meds with more carbs?
Ref the weight gain I was referring to the original poster. If you are getting near to hypos with Gliclazide then may be the dose needs reducing rather than 'feeding' the meds with more carbs?

I guess you have no reference to type 2 on glicazide then?
Maybe stay on comments to type 1 if you don't understand how it works?
First off, glicazide stimulates insulin production.
Would I tell you to keep injecting, and cut carbs.
We don't even know if the op tests BG.
Just jumping blindly into "go low carb" is ridiculous.
Please stop the bad advice.
I guess you have no reference to type 2 on glicazide then?
Maybe stay on comments to type 1 if you don't understand how it works?
First off, glicazide stimulates insulin production.
Would I tell you to keep injecting, and cut carbs.
We don't even know if the op tests BG.
Just jumping blindly into "go low carb" is ridiculous.
Please stop the bad advice.
I have to disagree with your comments. I was on Gliclazide for 5 years with a T2 diagnosis starting at 160 mg day thru to 320 mg with no longer any effect as I apparently had few beta cells left and hence the LADA diagnosis. I'm fully aware how Glic works. I do in fact keep my carbs down while injecting as otherwise my insulin needs would go thru the roof. Note that I didn't say 'go low-carb' but to avoid taking more meds than needed. Don't forget that it's claimed that Gliclazide can burn out the beta cells although not proven.
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