Been ill with cold and bad cough

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have had a realy bad week bloods up to 20.0 mostly around 15.0 carnt seem to get it right at all with this pump.
I have dony TBR everyday now for 4 hours at a time and still not going down.
First week did 10% last week did 20% and still nothing.
Iv changed canuls insulin and whare I am putting the canulas today its in my botttom but still in the 15.0. No Ketons test all the time.
Well feeling better cough has just abought gone just need to get bloods back to 6.0 7.0 would do . Thought I was doing realy well with the pump I go back to the Hospital on Thursday so hope by then its back as before anybody got any help as to what else I can do or do I just keep trying.
Dont know if I have done the right thing today but put the TBR TO 130% might do something Ill just keep testing to see, any addvice would help thanks
How about really going for it with the temp basal? I have been up to +80% with a cold? It is scary the first few times you do it.
Hi Grandma ! If your pump is set up for you. High blood, type it into pump & pump gives you right insulin. It must be cold that is giving you bad readings. Hope you get to sort problem 🙂
How about really going for it with the temp basal? I have been up to +80% with a cold? It is scary the first few times you do it.

thanks Im doing a 30% right now but if it dosent work ill increace it later funny thing is dont seem to have the cold now still feeling not to bad through the day its at night time I carnt sleep and bloods still high had a 30% on since 12.20 and bloods still 14.2 went down from 15.4 at 12.00 when I had my lunch and that wasjust 54 carbs
Hi - just keep increasing TBR until you are happy with your numbers, have used 200% more with little one - don't be shy, you will be checking your BG's enough anyway.

Hope your better soon 🙂
Hi - just keep increasing TBR until you are happy with your numbers, have used 200% more with little one - don't be shy, you will be checking your BG's enough anyway.

Hope your better soon 🙂

thanks did a 30% for 4 hours and BGs now 7.2 hope it stayes like that dont feel to bad a lot better now but just carnt understand why with all these highs I am not drinking and going to the toilet as you would when the highs are there hope its nealy over🙂
Well things are just about back to normal now back in the 6.0 7.0 just a few in the 10.0 but have had a few lows now think Im getting it sorted feel ok anyway. Dident get to the Hospital last week the Dc was ill so have to wate could have done with going with everthing that had been happening but carnt be helped. Told the DSN but dident get mutch help from her so have just had to get on with it thanks for your help.
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