Be proud of the NHS and do not accept inferior politically driven alternatives

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The National Health Service produces better outcomes now than it was doing 10 years ago. Survival has improved in stroke, cancer, heart attack, and serious injury. Life expectancy has increased and infant mortality is down. In the OECD league tables, our NHS performs favourably against a range of comparator countries, and at much lower cost than many.

In my own area of interest and expertise, major trauma, patients are surviving with more serious injuries than ever before. New research and new paths of integrated care are saving the previously unsalvageable. The Scottish Trauma Audit Group data confirms this trend, and this is supported by personal experience on the shop floor.

In two specific examples over the last month, patients arrived with evidence of severe shock due to blood loss following very major injury. Their probability of survival would have been less than 10%, but both had three new therapies: on-scene anaesthesia by a consultant-led trauma team, the administration of tranexamic acid (a drug newly proven to improve trauma survival by promoting blood clotting), and the very early rapid administration of multiple blood products. None of these treatments was utilised five years ago, and these patients would have almost certainly died.
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