BD micro fine ultra not in stock

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just been told by my pharmacy these are out of stock and they are going to the gp to prescribe an alterative. I have over a month and a half in hand so no biggy, just thought i'd post cos it may be worth not leaving you needles to the last minute
I mean, it may just be a local issue, idk
I just have generic 4mm 32G needles on my prescription, and used to get given BD microfine most of the time, but for the past couple of years I’ve had a variety of brands, whichever the pharmacy has managed to do a deal on, I suspect, and I can’t say I’ve noticed much difference between them.
Diabetes UK were informed of a temporary shortage of BD microfine needles in May 2022, but I‘ve not heard anything since - which could suggest it’s not a very widespread issue at the moment?

Hope you manage to get a supply in good time, or a suitable alternative. 🙂
Diabetes UK were informed of a temporary shortage of BD microfine needles in May 2022, but I‘ve not heard anything since - which could suggest it’s not a very widespread issue at the moment?

Hope you manage to get a supply in good time, or a suitable alternative. 🙂
Funnily enough, my 'random' assignment was a pack of BD Microfine sometime in November 22. Before that I was getting 4Sure, which used to be quite regular, but my latest are GlucoRx, which I haven’t tried yet, and are new to me.
after the name of these needles changed from microfine plus to microfine ultra my pharmacy is saying these are not available and have been out of stock for months. The pharmacy regularly have to request alternative but so far all alternatives have been painful to use. Why are these so difficult to get at the moment.
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