BBI Hypoglyceamia DVD

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I recently decided to try and take a little more control over how I responded to hypo's. I found having a glass of orange or a number of Jelly Babies a bit hit and miss with regards to knowing how the blood sugar would respond.

I found a range of products that specified the carb value of each dosage - per tablet or per bottle of drink. The range includes tablets (GlucoTab), juice (GlucoJuice), and Gel (GlucoGel). So far have only tried the tablets they are 4 carbs per tablet and taking 4 (ie 16 carbs) brought my BS up from 2.6 to 4.5 in 15 minutes and I had no extreme rebound later in the day. Early days but a good start.

Any way I digress that is not the primary reason for this thread. I ordered the glucose products over the Internet and received a free Gift a DVD that claimed "Everything you wanted to know about HYPOS but were afraid to ask".

I've watched it 3 times already and will be asking the first aiders at work to watch it. The wife thinks its excellent.

I would recommend this DVD to any newly diagnosed diabetics as it explained a lot that I have picked up over the last 6 months since I was diagnosed and has clarified / highlighted some things that perhaps I was aware of but hadn't grasped. Its well set out, uses examples I could relate to and above all is simple.

I think it is well worth trying the products just to get the DVD.

Has anyone else come across the DVD and can it be obtained elsewhere? If not check it out at:

Note Diabetes UK are credited on the cover.

Note 2 I have no connection to BBI / hyposite - I just wish the NHS had given me the DVD 6 months ago....
Hadn't heard of it Martin, but it sounds good! Did you know that you can get 'Gluco-' products on prescription? I've got glucogel on my repeat, but there have been various discussions here about glucotabs as well. I'll see if DUK have any knowledge of how the dvd might be obtained, other than the site you provided. 🙂
Hi Northerner (do you have a name??? - you tend to reply to most posts and replying back to Northener seems impersonal.😱...) I'll see what the GP says about about adding Gluco to the prescription next time I see him. To be honest I don't mind spending ?10 to ?15 per quarter. May change my mind if it was a week or month.
Hi Northerner (do you have a name??? - you tend to reply to most posts and replying back to Northener seems impersonal.😱...) I'll see what the GP says about about adding Gluco to the prescription next time I see him. To be honest I don't mind spending ?10 to ?15 per quarter. May change my mind if it was a week or month.

My name is Alan 🙂
I also get GLUCOGEL on repeat prescption and my hubby dose as well. We also get GLUCAGEN Hypokit 1mg injection. But as we are both diabetic gess the Doctor thought that we would be able to use it on each other and know what to do with it. At the time he put it on repeat prescription I was having a lot of hypos through night and he just about lived at our house. Haven see the DVD though.
It's a shame that all newly diagnosed diabetics are not given a copy of this DVD or similar on diagnosis, talking pennies these days for a DVD. Instead of being left alone in the dark with varying degrees of Diabetes education and care!
When I left hospital I was given the Diabetes UK guide to Type 1 which I found very useful - covered all aspects but not in too much detail so I didn't suffer information overload! It gave me a good start, but to have a dvd would have helped reinforce things, I think.
I have found that there is a lot of written work out there, the trouble is as a new diabetic I was not really in a position to absorb / understand what I was reading.

But having sat and watched something on the great god that is a TV it becomes more understandable and easier to relate to.

Seeing someone shaking has a little more impact than a booklet that says "you may feel shaky".
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