BBC3 - Pensioners vs. youngsters

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm watching a good programme about a group of unfit youngsters taking on a group of pensioners in a challenge - great stuff! 🙂 They had a 102 yo woman doing a gym workout and putting them all to shame! Repeated at 12:20 am if you missed it.
Shame I missed it.

I think it is a generational thing. Look at all the entertainment we have now and most kids go to school by car, which didn't happen in the past. My grown up son was appaled when I said let's get rid of the microwave and get back to proper cooking and he's disgusted that I can make white sauce from scratch instead of going for the e asy option packet and just add milk.
and me i caught the show after that with alex riley who does those disgusting food shows on bbc3
Also, interesting programme last week about 6 elderly celebreties with mobility / memory problems who improved dramatically when they returned to 1970s setting, when they were in their primes. Basic theory was that doing too much to help elderly people can mean they deteriorate more than if they continue to look after themselves.
I think my grandparents would agree eg Grandad was still clearing leaves out of gutter in his later 80s (and Mum prefered to know after he'd done it!), growing much of their vegetables, Grandma was still cooking, freezing food,, using bus etc into her 90s, and both collected hedgerow blackberries on walks and won many prizes of fruit, meat, chocolate, alcohol etc at whist drives.
One of the things my neighbour used to like doing was walking up the road to the little shop for things like bread milk and eggs, it meant she got to see other people too. We used to go to the supermarket and get heavy stuff like tins of cat and dog food for her furry friends, but she used to like to do as much as she could her self. At 86 she stil had a sparkle in her eye and a brilliant sense of humour!
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