bbc1 tonight.. childrens emergency.. diabetic coma

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
bbc1 tonight tues25/5 10.35 childrens emergency... there is a story on a child in a diabetic coma....
Thanks Lee...just turned over in time (i hope)..this happened to me all them years ago parents must've been scared stupid....!
Bernie xx 🙂
Thanks, didn't see this on last night, not sure if we get it in Scotland lol!!! Just put it on, on BBC i player if anyone missed it you can get it on there. x :D
I watched it on bbc 1 england, like virgin channel eight hundred odds lol 🙄
I thought it was good, and glad the boy pulled through... scary stuff though!! :D
lou, I'm glad you mentioned the boy pulled through. I was just debating with myself whether I want to watch this or not. Now I will, because that's one of the things I am really scared of happening.
lou, I'm glad you mentioned the boy pulled through. I was just debating with myself whether I want to watch this or not. Now I will, because that's one of the things I am really scared of happening.

It is a scary thought!!! It happened to me when i was 10 and I was kept in for 2 weeks, my mum was frantic!!
It was kind of scary watching it so you may still wanna think about it before you go ahead x
It is a scary thought!!! It happened to me when i was 10 and I was kept in for 2 weeks, my mum was frantic!!
It was kind of scary watching it so you may still wanna think about it before you go ahead x

Yes, that's what I was worried about, but I feel that maybe I need to watch it, even though it most likely will make me cry. I will now go and empty the dishwasher and think about whether I'm going to watch it. Thanks lou 🙂
I've just watched it myself. So glad he pulled through
I've just watched it myself. So glad he pulled through

I've just watched it, had a few tears, but that's normal for me. I cry very easily. So good he's back to being a stroppy teenager, just like my stroppy teenager C.
Cant get it on BBCiplayer - maybe looking at wrong thing - any pointers
Thanks Cate,
I just watched it, scared me though. He was so lucky he pulled through, and I really felt for his mum.
I didnt like the way the narrator said at the end that 'Thomas now has his diabetes under control'! It felt as if he was being blamed for it - and we dont know the circumstances around what happened so not sure I agree with the comments. As we all know - hypo's etc can come out of the blue and cant be blamed on anything. I felt it gave the general public the message that its the diabetics fault if they end up in a crisis. His mum seemed remarkably calm - not sure I would have been so calm!😱🙂Bev
I didnt like the way the narrator said at the end that 'Thomas now has his diabetes under control'! It felt as if he was being blamed for it - and we dont know the circumstances around what happened so not sure I agree with the comments. As we all know - hypo's etc can come out of the blue and cant be blamed on anything. I felt it gave the general public the message that its the diabetics fault if they end up in a crisis. His mum seemed remarkably calm - not sure I would have been so calm!😱🙂Bev

Not sure I quite agree Bev, the final discussion between him and his mother is that he agrees to take his diabetes more seriously and does his blood tests etc. I agree that hypos can come from nowhere, but it does also sound as though he had become a bit rebellious and neglectful, and this was a wake up call for him. You could sense how relieved his mum was 🙂
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