Battery issues with t slim pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've heard that some users have issues with the battery on their pumps not lasting long. Has anyone experienced this before?
How did you solve the issue?
Are you on the tSlim @steveo ?

I switched in the summer of 2020 and have got into the habit of recharging every few days when my battery gets down to somewhere between 30-50%

There still seems to be plenty of juice at that stage, and I don’t panic if I start a day at 50% as my pump seems able to make it through until I have a charging opportunity. As far as I can tell the battery performance has not diminished yet.

I think the recommendation was to charge ‘little and often’, but instinctively I tend to adopt less frequent but longer charging cycles. (though I think battery technology has moved on a long way since that was what was advised!)
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