Battery changes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
when do you change your batteries. I simply wait until the conversation between handset and pump get a bit sluggish, and change. I think TW mentioned about changing at regular intervals.

Is this good for the pump/handset?
What do others do?
When I get a battery warning. Not very often!
On the handset, when we get the low battery warning. On the pump itself, I know it lasts just over 3 months on lithium ones so make a mental note of when it's next due and do it then (don't want any panics if the low battery alarm goes off at school, not sure how many hours it can last after that! Handset ones are easier for anyone to change so don't tend to worry about them so much)
The battery lasts no time on my Insight so I change it every five days, to avoid being woken up in the middle of the night (it's always then, never when I'm awake🙄).
Well we MUST change them every fortnight - we've all just had a Safety Warning about it.

Mine must be about due now, I'll have to mark it in my diary. When the Safety Warning arrived in my email, I'd recently changed it, but couldn't recall when exactly. No battery has EVER lasted less than about a month, Susan - think you need to tell Roche. You ARE using the batteries they send us - the Lithium ones , by choice whenever you possibly can?

They can't send just them in the post, so I always order a shedload when I order cannulas etc, then they come by courier so that's OK for them to do.

Recharge the handset every 2 nights overnight - little and often in the rule with those rechargeable batteries in them. Not anything like mobile phone or laptop ones!
How can Roche go from a pump that lasts over 3 months on one battery, to a new and better one that lasts days only?! Madness!!
With Medtronic, I just go by the battery alert. You get two or three with increasing levels of grumpiness and I usually change at the second which is about 6-8 hours before the screeching and wailing really kicks off.
Thanks All.
I have had no warning from Roche, so I assume yours is for the Insight TW.
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