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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All

Making a rare posting 🙂
I made a supplies order to Animas this morning, Only to be told that due to new shipping rules they can't send me lithium batteries anymore, WHAT????
I have to buy my own now apparently, Why not just change their shippers and keep customers happy?????
Something stinks of doo doo with this.
Silly isn't it?
I can't see what the problem is.
I've emailed my DSN as well to see what they know about it.
Hi Velcrohead,

I havent heard of this - but will ask on the CWD list to see if anyone else is having trouble. The only change we have had recently (Medtronic) is that they wont send batteries on their own due to costs so your asked to order them with sets or reservoirs.🙂Bev
There's been a lot of talk about it on other forums seems as if Royal mail decided this so I wasn't that fust about it as my supplies come by city link. So it will be interesting to see if that aplies to all carriers and not just RM.
Thanks for the replies everyone, my team at the hospital are investigating to see what's going on.

All my supplies are delived by city link so not Royal Mail.
It's just weird.
Cheers all.
This is from the Royal Mail page for business customers:

Batteries that are classed as dangerous goods by the latest edition of the International Civil Aviation Organization?s (ICAO) Technical Instructions are prohibited. This includes lithium ion/polymer/metal/alloy batteries sent in isolation.
Lithium ion/polymer/metal/alloy batteries are allowed when sent with or contained in equipment, but are subject to packaging, volume and quantity restrictions.

Loads more stuff about them when sent with equipment here:
Hi Velcrohead,

Yes - apparently it is correct. If Animas agreed to label the parcels then it might be allright but apparently they dont want to.:confused:Bev
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