Bathroom trips!

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kathy s

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm up with my dog who has dementia so will probably ramble! Is it usual to have broken sleep due to needing several trips to the bathroom. I'm on empagliflozin which I know works by flushing sugars through my kidney ( I only have one) but I thought as my levels settles so would this. I'm seeing the nurse on Thursday and think I'll mention it.
i have been expecting to have this but must be my low carb diet but ive never gone to toilet less in all my life. I drink lots of liquid . i sweat a lot i do gi but i sleeo all night. Yes i was up once last night but i had been out for curry had wine came home and had coffee so i think that was called for. When i do go its a good long one. My bladder is better on this. If anything.
i do perspire a lot more but thats my age n weather,
Mood swings gave been the worst but that could be drop on sugar level with diet too. i used to wake up in high trens low twenties . This morning 5.9 I am happy with that.
id mention to nurse anything as we are all different.
All the best.
I would definitely mention it on Thursday. Several niggt trips sounds excessive, one trip is perhaps acceptable. Even for me as a 74yr old male once is medically considered OK, but not twice nightly; according to my Urologist last week.

Getting unbroken sleep is deceptively important for anyone; even more so for those of us with any D type. We need optimum repair times from unbroken sleep to maximise best metaboolism conditions and lost sleep = hidden stress, which is not great for us. With your single kidney this frequency is absolutely something to understand and manage as best it can be managed.
I think sometimes it becomes habit, when my other half was up anything up to 5 times in the night before his prostate surgery I would be woken up as well so just thought I may as well go. Even when he wasn't I was still waking up and it has taken a while for me not to be doing that now.
If you are on that medication you should be getting regular kidney function tests.
And if you are drinking plenty which you should be doing with that medication the consequence often is more loo visits.
Drinks containing caffeine can also be a bladder irritant.
Certainly mention to the nurse.
What are your BG levels like? If they are still high then the empagliflozin will be making your kidney work harder and you will need to wee more frequently day and night. If your BG levels are now mostly in range then the Empagliflozin will have less effect and in that situation I would look for other causes.

For me HRT was the solution. 2 nights after I started using HRT patches, I slept right through and it was absolute bliss and I have slept like that ever since! I would say the number of times I have woken up for the loo, even just once since then, is under 20 times in 3 years. The vast majority of the time I sleep right through and I'm not even desperate when I wake up and I often drink quite a bit of fluids on an evening. The HRT patches really have been a revelation for improving my sleep in general as no more hot sweats either. Good sleep also improves diabetes management, so lots of benefits from it.
My record was five times in one night but that was when my BG levels were really high. Now they are back in normal range, the overnight excursions have reduced dramatically.
What are your BG levels like? If they are still high then the empagliflozin will be making your kidney work harder and you will need to wee more frequently day and night. If your BG levels are now mostly in range then the Empagliflozin will have less effect and in that situation I would look for other causes.

For me HRT was the solution. 2 nights after I started using HRT patches, I slept right through and it was absolute bliss and I have slept like that ever since! I would say the number of times I have woken up for the loo, even just once since then, is under 20 times in 3 years. The vast majority of the time I sleep right through and I'm not even desperate when I wake up and I often drink quite a bit of fluids on an evening. The HRT patches really have been a revelation for improving my sleep in general as no more hot sweats either. Good sleep also improves diabetes management, so lots of benefits from it.
I was terrible at one point getting up several times a night now I just don't bother I just go! only kidding lol nappies are superb nowadays
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