Basic questions

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Forgive me in asking what might seem like basic questions but i have learn t more from this site than i have from my diabetes care team.Only seen diatition once since dx in 2006 and she was not a load of help. Sorry if such basic questions may seem stupid

1)What is carb counting, hell what are carbs, diatition never mention this at all.
2)Whats pumping?
3)What are expert course i keep seeing mentioned.
4)Am i entitled to see a foot doctor on the NHS?
5) What can i expect from my care team or what stantards should i expect from them.
6)How often should i see my team at the hospital
Have loads more questions but think I better stop here
Hi Gail, don't appologise for asking basic questions. Once you get the basics right everything else becomes easier. We all have to ask questions so ask as many as you like.

I can answer some of your questions, although I am sure someone will be along soon with more answers.

Carb counting is the carbohydrate version of calorie counting. Many foods like bread, pasta and cereals have carbohydrates in them. It is the carbs that get converted to sugars and some act more quickly than others.

The xpert course is an educational course run for diabetics, which normally lasts for 6 mornings or afternoons. The website is You normally need your GP to refer you but have a look at the website.

You are entitled to see a podiatrist for free if you are on medication for the diabtes. Not sure what happens if you are diet controled. Also entitled to free eye tests too and annual retinal screening.

Seeing your medical team seems to vary from area to area, some people go every three months, some go every six months. My care is with my GP, and I only see him or the nurse if I'm not well or I need a review of my medication., so about every six months.

Sorry I can't answer all of your questions, but someone else is sure to be along and add to what I've said and answe other questions. If you want to ask questions, ask as many as you like. You are also helping others in asking for your self.
1) Carb counting is as Caroline says. It can be used by insulin users to tailor their dosage to match what they have eaten. Additionally some type 2s unecessarily get a bit obsessed with it as well. I dare say one of these carb counting obsessees will fill you in in due course 😉

3) I did the xpert course a couple of years ago. It is specifically aimed a type 2s. It is done like a franchise that is sold to local PCTs. The other one that is very similar is DESMOND. I would check with your PCT if they offer either. I wouldn't rely on your GP even having heard of it, as that was the case with mine.

4) I have been recently been referred to see a podiatrist but have not been yet. I think you need to ask your DSN to arrange it. I always assumed it is free for diabetics.

5) Don't build your hopes up then you won't be disappointed 🙄

6) How often you see your health team depends how well controlled you conditions is. If it is stable at a satisfactory level you only need to see them once a year. Many diabetics don't go to the hospital clinic at all their condition being entirely managed by their GPs surgery for which the doctors in question get paid vast amounts of extra money.

3) I did the xpert course a couple of years ago. It is specifically aimed a type 2s. It is done like a franchise that is sold to local PCTs. The other one that is very similar is DESMOND. I would check with your PCT if they offer either. I wouldn't rely on your GP even having heard of it, as that was the case with mine.

My GP hadn't heard of it, and after a little negotiation with the people who run it I managed to get on course.
Forgive me in asking what might seem like basic questions but i have learn t more from this site than i have from my diabetes care team.Only seen diatition once since dx in 2006 and she was not a load of help. Sorry if such basic questions may seem stupid

1)What is carb counting, hell what are carbs, diatition never mention this at all.
2)Whats pumping?
3)What are expert course i keep seeing mentioned.
4)Am i entitled to see a foot doctor on the NHS?
5) What can i expect from my care team or what stantards should i expect from them.
6)How often should i see my team at the hospital
Have loads more questions but think I better stop here

Dear gail1,

Never be afraid to ask questions, how else are you to find out what this disease is all about. In many instances the medical profession just don't inform us!

1. Carbohydrate counting is a technique used by diabetics on insulin (yes T2s can use it!- when their insulin producing beta-cells in the pancreas completely fail) to match the amount of insulin to the carbohydrates eaten. In order for Blood glucose to enter our bodies cells we need insulin. At diagnosis most T2s make some insulin so matching (external) insulin to carbs is not relevent.

2. Pumping is strictly for insulin users. It achieves better control of blood sugar.

3, 4, 5, 6, Already explained in previous posts.

As you are aware, Type 2s usually control their blood sugar by taking one drug (usually Metformin) and when this fails adding a second med e.g. Sitagliptin and maybe even a third before finally finishing up on insulin. However some people choose to delay the use of meds by resrtricting the amount of carbs they eat in order to minimise post meal blood sugar highs. This controlled carb approach can work very well but is not easy. For a great example of controlled carbing read Whally Corker's threads especially in the recipes forum. I also have controlled my carbs and after 16 years am still diet controlled. The principle is simple: If you restrict the amount of carb you eat how can you have high post-meal blood sugars

Warmest Regards Dodger
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