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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
What is your total basal rate.? Mine is 39.9 Daily Basal, quite high but works well. Would love to know what other pumpers daily basals are. Please reply as I am very interested in this subject.
11.25 for me but I am diddly and have only been type one for 22 months
My son's daily basal is 7U, out of a TDD of 22-25U
Average over the last 7 days for me is 11.725u per day.

I'm not sure that there is a 'normal', though it is often suggested that a non-D will produce around 50% for background and 50% for eating. John Walsh ( in pumping insulin) says a T1 split is likely to be between 40-60% of TDD.

I suppose a lot of that will depend on your daily carb intake!
28.550 for me with an average daily total of.....61.850.........

the weekend daily totals are usually in the 70s....
Have just been into pump info & mine is 28.7 & 59%. I only eat 2/3 times a day carbs & lots of fish 😱 Good luck doing research 🙂🙂
My total basal ler day is 17.00 at the moment (always between 15.5 and 17) and basal / bolus average split over last 7 days is 63% and 37%
Thanks for all your replies. Basal rates really interest me. I must get out more hahahahahaha.
46 basal units per day, with the heat I am going to lower it to 44.
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