Basal testing - simpler version?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have a tslim pump and the clinic want me to do a basal test, I looked at it in the folder they gave me and I just can’t understand it.
Can someone explain it to me in a simpler version?

I don’t want to contact them because of the way they treat me sometimes and I just haven’t got the energy for them right now.
So if anyone can help me, I’d be extremely grateful.
Here's one:

The basic idea is to try and get your basal insulin right (so you stay roughly stable when you're not eating and not using bolus insulin). To do that you need to not eat, but not eating for 24 (or more hours) straight isn't very practical so you want to split the day up and do it in stages.
Oh, I don’t eat anyway. I have EPI and it pretty much stops me from eating. So maybe it’s perfect for me haha
Oh, I don’t eat anyway. I have EPI and it pretty much stops me from eating. So maybe it’s perfect for me haha
So do I but it certainly does not stop me eating 🙂
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